ISO 16128-1:2016-Technical definitions and criteria

ISO 16128-1:2016-Technical definitions and criteria

What is ISO 16128-1:2016-Technical definitions and criteria ISO 16128-1:2016 provides guidelines on technical definitions and criteria for natural and organic cosmetic ingredients and products. Specifically, Part 1 of this standard focuses on definitions for ingredients used in natural and organic cosmetics. The standard aims to establish a common understanding and terminology for natural and organic […]

ISO 22716: Cosmetics

What is ISO 22716: Cosmetics – Good manufacturing practices (GMP) – Guidelines on good manufacturing practices? ISO 22716 provides guidelines for the good manufacturing practices (GMP) of cosmetic products. The standard outlines the requirements for the production, control, storage, and shipment of cosmetic products. The goal of ISO 22716 is to ensure that cosmetic products […]

GMP-Good Manufacturing Practices


What is GMP-Good Manufacturing Practices? GMP-Good Manufacturing Practices is a set of guidelines and regulations that ensure pharmaceutical, medical device, and food products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards appropriate for their intended use. Therefore, primary goal of GMP is to minimize the risks involved in the production process that cannot be […]