Looking for ISO/IEC 23360?

ISO/IEC 23360

ISO/IEC 23360-Linux Standard Base (LSB)

ISO/IEC 23360-Linux Standard Base (LSB) is the international standard for describing Linux distributions. LSB is a modular specification that allows different components of a Linux distribution to be independently updated and upgraded.

ISO/IEC 23360-1-1:2021 Linux Standard Base (LSB) — Part 1-1: Common definitions

This standard defines the Linux Standard Base (LSB), a set of specifications that define the minimum requirements for a Linux distribution. In Fact, The LSB provides a common platform for Linux distributions and allows for consistent deployment and management across different Linux platforms and environments.

This standard is divided into four parts:

Part 1-1: Common definitions

Part 1-2: Runtime environment

And Part 2-1: Filesystems and file systems

Part 3-1: Device Drivers.

ISO/IEC 23360-1-2:2021 Linux Standard Base (LSB) — Part 1-2: Core specification generic part

Linux Standard Base is an open source software platform, providing a modular foundation for system-level software development. It provides the essential structures and APIs required to build reliable, scalable and secure systems.

In Fact, LSB defines a modular platform that enables system developers to create highly adaptable and reliable systems. It provides a common set of structures and APIs, making it easier for system architects to develop systems that can be scaled up or down as necessary.

The Linux Standard Base (LSB) project is working to create a modular platform for system level software development. LSB is designed to provide the essential structures and APIs required to build reliable, scalable, and secure systems. In this article, we will look at what LSB is, how it works, and some of the benefits it offers.

ISO/IEC 23360-1-3:2021 Linux Standard Base (LSB) — Part 1-3: Desktop specification generic part

The Desktop specification generic part of ISO/IEC 23360-1-3:2021 Linux Standard Base (LSB) defines the desktop interface for LSB products. This document provides a reference model for desktop deployment, management and usage, and it is intended to be used as a foundation for developing more specific specifications.

Therefore, The Desktop specification generic part includes the following topics:

Task Manager: Provides an overview of available tasks and their status.

Display: Describes how columns and icons are displayed on the desktop.

Desktop Entry: Defines how applications can be installed on the desktop.

ISO/IEC 23360-1-4:2021 Linux Standard Base (LSB) — Part 1-4: Languages specification

ISO/IEC 23360-1-4:2021 Linux Standard Base (LSB) provides the foundation for a globally agreed, open, standard library for Linux operating systems. This Standard defines the structure and semantics of the objects and interfaces in LSB, as well as the format and content of their documentation. Additionally, this document establishes a process for reviewing and approving new LSB releases.

ISO/IEC 23360-1-4:2021 is divided into four parts: Part 1 covers the structure of LSB, Part 2 covers the object model, Part 3 covers language bindings, and Part 4 covers the content model. This document does not cover application programming interface (API) details or error handling. Those details are covered in other documents such as ISO/IEC 22959-1 (Linux Standard Base API Specification) and ISO/IEC 23923-3 (Linux Standard Base Configuration Management Tools).

It was created to provide a stable foundation for developing software that interacts with Linux. It is designed to be an open standard that will be updated as needed to reflect changes in the Linux

ISO/IEC 23360-1-5:2021 Linux Standard Base (LSB) — Part 1-5: Imaging specification

Welcome to ISO/IEC 23360-1-5:2021 Linux Standard Base (LSB) — Part 1-5: Imaging specification! This document describes the imaging feature of the Linux Standard Base (LSB) platform.

In this document, we will cover the following topics:

• Introduction to imaging
• Image creation and management
• Image formats and codecs

So, If you want to learn more about imaging on the LSB platform, please read on!

ISO/IEC TS 23360-1-6:2021 Linux Standard Base (LSB) — Part 1-6: Graphics and Gtk3 specification

If you are using Linux, you are probably familiar with the operating system’s command line interface. However, what many people don’t know is that the command line is just one of the many features of Linux.

In other words, The Linux Standard Base (LSB) is a set of standards that define the architecture, functionality and behavior of Linux systems. LSB provides a common foundation for software developers to build applications on top of, and it also defines the interfaces between different parts of the Linux kernel.

One of the most important parts of LSB is the Graphics and Gtk3 specification. This specification defines how GTK+ should be used to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs). GTK+ is a popular GUI library that is used by many application developers, including those who develop desktop applications.

So, If you are interested in developing applications for Linux, or you just want to learn more about how LSB works, be sure to check out the LSB website. You can also read about other features and specifications in Part 1-6: Graphics and Gtk3 specification of LSB Volume 1-6: Linux Standard Base (LSB).

What are the requirements of ISO/IEC TS 23360?

ISO/IEC TS 23360 is the international standard for information technology — computer systems, software and documentation. It provides the technical specifications. The LSB is based on ISO/IEC 13249:2006, which was the first international standard for open source software management.

Requirements of ISO/IEC TS 23360:
ISO/IEC TS 23360 specifies requirements for the design, development, and management of open source software. It covers all aspects of software life-cycle management, from requirements gathering through to release management, including support activities such as quality assurance and traceability.

Therefore, It applies to a wide range of software development models, from traditional client-server applications to modular systems built using microservices. It also covers a variety of deployment models, from centralized to distributed.

It defines six layers of an open source software lifecycle: Project Management, Requirement Management, Development Management, Test Management, Release Management, and Transition Management. Each layer has specific requirements that must be met in order for open source software to be managed effectively.

What are its benefits ?

ISO/IEC TS 23360 is a global standard for the development, management and use of Linux-based systems. It defines the architecture, components, interfaces and features of Linux-based systems.

Therefore, This Standard has many benefits for organizations that want to use Linux-based systems. Some of the benefits include:

Simplified system management

A consistent approach to system design

Improved security

Improved reliability

Who needs this standard?

ISO/IEC TS 23360 is a set of international standards for the definition, management and control of electronic data interchange (EDI).

This Standard is a valuable tool for organizations that need to manage and control their EDI transactions. It provides a common framework for exchanging products, services and information across organizational boundaries.

As a result, ISO/IEC TS 23360 can help to improve the efficiency and security of your EDI transactions. It can also help to reduce the costs associated with EDI adoption.

So, If you are an organization that needs to manage or control your EDI transactions, you should consider implementing ISO/IEC TS 23360. 

If you need more support with ISO/IEC TS 23360, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com

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