Photography — Color negative films for still photography — Determination of ISO speed
ISO 5800 was created by Technical Committee ISO/TC 42, Photography. ISO 5800:1987 is the second edition that canceled and replaced the first edition (ISO 5800:1979), of which it constitutes a technical revision.
Satisfactory prints can generally be obtained from color negative films over a significant range of exposure provided that suitable adjustments are made in the printing operation. The underexposure latitude is approximately one camera exposure value unit (camera stop or Ev). When film speed is determined using ISO 5800:1987(EN).
Overexposure latitude of a color negative film can be as large as 3 Ev. In other words, if a color negative film has a speed of ISO 100, it may give satisfactory results if it is exposed anywhere from ISO 12 to ISO 200.
Photographers, on the average, tend to underexpose film, particularly in simple cameras,1) as a result of their desire to record events under cloudy conditions or in the shade. Some camera cartridge systems are designed to take advantage of the overexposure latitude of color negative films. To improve results when pictures are taken under these circumstances.
This is accomplished by overexposing the film under sunlight conditions to increase the underexposure latitude of the system. For example, a 126-size cartridge containing film with an ISO speed of 100 may be coded for ISO 64 speed.
ISO 5800:1987(EN) is a revision of ISO 5800 : 1979 to update the format of presentation and to reference new ISO standards which more precisely describe illuminants and densitometry specified for use. No differences in speed values should result from the changes made to ISO 5800:1987
ISO 5800:1987 specifies the method for determining the ISO speed of color negative camera films for pictorial still photography. It is assumed that the color negatives obtained with these films will be used to make reflection-type color prints primarily. But may also be used to make color transparencies. The speeds obtained by application of ISO 5800:1987 are intended for practical use with exposure meters, exposure calculators, and exposure tables.
ISO 5800:1987 does not apply to color negative films for motion-picture and aerial photography or for making intermediate negatives.
If you need more support with ISO 5800:1987, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com
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