Design and procurement standards for gas turbine system applications
ISO 3977 was created by Technical Committee TC 192, Gas turbines. All different parts of ISO 3977 define a standard framework for dealing with questions of fuel and other matters, such as the minimum information to be provided by both the purchaser and the manufacturer. Attention is drawn to the need for technical consultation between the manufacturer and the purchaser to ensure compatibility of equipment being supplied, particularly where the responsibility for supply is divided.
It is applicable to open-cycle gas turbine power plant using combustion systems, and to closed-cycle, semi closed-cycle and combined-cycle gas turbine power plants. In the case of turbines using free piston gas generators or special heat sources, it may be used as a basis but will need to be suitably modified.
ISO 3977 consists of the following parts, under the general title: Gas turbines — Procurement
Part 1: ISO 3977-1:1997(EN) Gas turbines — Procurement — Part 1: General introduction and definitions
ISO 3977-1:1997 combines together with the terms and definitions given in ISO 11086 that are relevant to the procurement of gas turbine systems, and defines additional terms.
Part 2: ISO 3977-2:1997(EN) Gas turbines — Procurement — Part 2: Standard reference conditions and ratings
ISO 3977-2:1997 defines the standard reference conditions and ISO standard ratings for gas turbines.
Part 3: ISO 3977-3:2004(EN) Gas turbines — Procurement — Part 3: Design requirements
ISO 3977-3:2004 shares the design requirements for the procurement of all applications of gas turbines and gas turbine systems, including gas turbines for combined cycle systems and their auxiliaries, by a purchaser from a packager. It also provides assistance and technical information to be used in the procurement. Thus, It is not intended to deal with local or national legislative requirements with which the installation may be required to conform.
ISO 3977-3:2004 applicable to simple-cycle, combined-cycle and regenerative-cycle gas turbines working in open systems. Therefore, It is not applicable to gas turbines used to propel aircraft, road construction and earth moving machines, agricultural and industrial types of tractors and road vehicles.
Part 4: ISO 3977-4:2002(EN) Gas turbines — Procurement — Part 4: Fuels and environment
ISO 3977-4:2002 shares guidelines for procurement of gas turbines with consideration of the fuel quality and of the environmental performance. Guidance is shared to both the packager and purchaser on what information should be provided with regard to the fuel used by a gas turbine. Also, with regard to the type of information necessary to quantify the expected environmental impact. Fuel specifications are referenced but not provided.
ISO 3977-8:2002(EN) Gas turbines — Procurement — Part 8: Inspection, testing, installation and commissioning
ISO 3977-8:2002 shares the principles for systems and procedures to assure the integrity of a packager’s product and services.
It provides guidance on the inspection, testing, installation and commissioning required for the package and packaged equipment, also outlines the responsibilities between the purchaser and packager for inspection, coordination, reporting and recording.
ISO 3977-9:1999(EN) Gas turbines — Procurement — Part 9: Reliability, availability, maintainability and safety
So, The purpose ISO 3977-9:1999 is to provide a basis for exchange of information about reliability, availability, maintainability and safety between gas turbine manufacturers, users, consultants, regulatory bodies, insurance companies and others. Therefore, It defines terms and definitions used within ISO 3977-9:1999. Also, describes component life expectancy, repairs and criteria for determining overhaul intervals.
ISO 3977-9:1999 is applicable to all elements of the gas turbine, especially, but not limited to, the following:
- compressor
- turbine
- combustion system
- intercooler
- regenerator or recuperator
- air ducting system
- exhaust ducting system
- air intake system
- control system
- fuel system
- lubrication system
- cooling water system
- rotor bearings
- gears
- coupling
- starting equipment
- baseplate/foundation
- enclosures and ventilation system.
If you need more support with ISO 3977-1, ISO 3977-2, ISO 3977-3, ISO 3977-4, ISO 3977, ISO 3977-8 or ISO 3977-9, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com
Read About: ISO 3864-1:2011(EN)