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ISO 2926:2013

ISO 2926:2013

What is ISO 2926:2013 Aluminium oxide used for the production of primary aluminium — Particle size analysis for the range 45 µm to 150 µm — Method using electroformed sieves?

ISO 2926:2013 specifies a method for particle size analysis of aluminium oxide used in the production of primary aluminium, specifically for particles within the range of 45 µm to 150 µm. The method described in this standard uses electroformed sieves, which are sieves that are made by electroplating a thin layer of metal onto a template to create precisely sized openings.

This standard outlines the equipment and procedures necessary for conducting the particle size analysis using electroformed sieves. It also provides guidance on the proper handling and preparation of the aluminium oxide sample, as well as the calculation and reporting of the particle size distribution results.

ISO 2926:2013 provides a standardized method for determining the particle size distribution of aluminium oxide used in the production of primary aluminium. This information is important for ensuring that the aluminium oxide is of the appropriate size for the intended use and for optimizing the efficiency of the production process.

Requirements of ISO 2926:2013

Sample preparation: The sample should be properly prepared by following the procedures outlined in the standard. Including washing and drying the sample, and ensuring that the sample is representative of the material being tested.

Equipment: The method described in the standard requires the use of electroformed sieves, which are manufactured to precise specifications and must be verified before use. The necessary equipment for conducting the analysis. Including a sieve shaker, balance, and measuring cylinder, is also specified.

Test procedure: The standard provides a detailed procedure for conducting the particle size analysis using electroformed sieves. Including the required number of sieves and the appropriate frequency of shaking. The procedure also outlines the calculation of the particle size distribution based on the results of the analysis.

Reporting of results: The results of the particle size analysis must be reported in accordance with the standard. Including the percentage of material passing through each sieve, the calculated average particle size, and the coefficient of variation of the results.

Quality control: The standard requires that appropriate measures be taken to ensure the quality and accuracy of the analysis. Including the use of reference materials and the regular calibration of equipment.

Therefore, ISO 2926:2013 provides a standardized method for conducting particle size analysis of aluminium oxide used in the production of primary aluminium, with specific requirements for sample preparation, equipment, and test procedure. Also, reporting of results, and quality control.

Benefits of ISO 2926:2013

Standardization: The standard provides a standardized method for conducting particle size analysis of aluminium oxide used in the production of primary aluminium, which ensures consistency in the measurement process and results.

Accuracy: The use of electroformed sieves in the analysis method provides a high level of accuracy and precision in determining the particle size distribution of the material.

Quality control: The standard requires the use of appropriate quality control measures. Such as the use of reference materials and regular calibration of equipment, which ensures the accuracy and reliability of the analysis results.

Optimization of production process: By determining the particle size distribution of the aluminium oxide used in the production process, the efficiency of the process can be optimized. Leading to cost savings and improved product quality.

Compliance: The standard provides a recognized and accepted method for conducting particle size analysis of aluminium oxide used in the production of primary aluminium, which can assist in compliance with relevant regulatory requirements.

Therefore, ISO 2926:2013 can lead to more accurate and reliable measurement of particle size distribution in aluminium oxide used in the production of primary aluminium, which can lead to improvements in process efficiency, cost savings, and product quality.

If you need more support with ISO 2926, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com 

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