Looking for ISO 2164:1975?

ISO 2164:1975

What is ISO 2164:1975-Pulses — Determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic acid?

ISO 2164:1975 standard specifies a method for the determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic acid (HCN) in pulses such as beans, lentils, peas, and chickpeas. HCN is a toxic substance that can be found in certain plants, and pulses are one of the food sources that may contain this compound.

This standard provides a simple and reliable method for measuring the concentration of HCN in pulses, which can be useful for assessing the safety and quality of these foods.

The method involves soaking the pulses in water and then analyzing the resulting extract using a colorimetric technique. The concentration of HCN is determined by measuring the absorbance of the extract at a specific wavelength.

In addition, ISO 2164:1975 is intended for use by food testing laboratories, food manufacturers, and regulatory bodies responsible for monitoring the safety and quality of food products. The standard can be used to ensure that pulses are safe for human consumption and comply with regulatory limits for HCN.

Requirements of ISO 2164:1975

ISO 2164 specifies the requirements for the determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic acid (HCN) in pulses. The standard describes the following requirements:

Sample preparation: The sample of pulses must be homogenized, and a representative subsample must be taken for analysis.

Extraction: The subsample is soaked in distilled water for a specific period of time, and the extract is filtered.

Determination of HCN: The extract is mixed with a reagent containing p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde. Which reacts with HCN to produce a red color. Thus, The intensity of the color is proportional to the concentration of HCN in the sample.

Calibration: The color intensity of the sample extract is compared to a calibration curve prepared using standard solutions of known HCN concentrations.

Calculation: The concentration of HCN in the sample is calculated based on the calibration curve and expressed as milligrams of HCN per kilogram of pulses.

Moreover, The standard specifies the details of the procedure. Including the equipment, reagents. Also, conditions that must be used. It also provides guidance on the interpretation of results and the reporting of data.

Benefits of this ISO Standard

ISO 2164 provides a standardized method for the determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic acid (HCN) in pulses. The benefits of this standard include:

Safety: HCN is a toxic compound that can cause serious health problems if consumed in large amounts. The standard provides a reliable method for measuring the concentration of HCN in pulses. Which can help ensure that these foods are safe for human consumption.

Quality: HCN can also affect the taste and quality of pulses. The standard can be used to assess the quality of pulses and ensure that they meet regulatory standards.

Consistency: The standardized method ensures that results obtained by different laboratories are comparable and consistent. Which is important for trade and regulatory purposes.

Cost-effective: The method described in the standard is simple and inexpensive. Making it accessible to laboratories with limited resources.

At last, International recognition: The standard is recognized internationally. Providing a common reference for laboratories and regulatory bodies worldwide.

Who needs ISO 2164:1975?

ISO 2164 is relevant to anyone involved in the testing, inspection, or production of pulses, including food processors, regulatory agencies, and testing laboratories. This includes organizations involved in the production and distribution of pulses, as well as those responsible for ensuring their safety and quality.

Therefore, The standard provides a reliable and standardized method for the determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic acid (HCN) in pulses, which is important for assessing their safety and quality.

If you need more support with ISO 2164, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com 

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