ISO 15706- Information and documentation — International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN)
When it comes to creating attractive and compliant digital content, ISO 15706- Information and documentation-International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) is an important standard to follow. It defines the requirements for ISAN registration, provides guidelines for using ISANs, and offers certification services.
ISO 15706-1:2002 Information and documentation — International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) — Part 1: Audiovisual work identifier
The International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) is a unique identifier for audiovisual works. It is used to uniquely identify audiovisual works and to prevent duplications.
ISO 15706-1:2002 provides a system for assigning ISANs to audiovisual works. It defines the structure of an ISAN, the procedures for its creation, and the rules for its use.
Moreover, ISANs are useful for tracking the history and distribution of audiovisual works. They can also help to ensure that audiovisual works are credited correctly and that copyright disputes are resolved properly.
ISO 15706-2:2007 Information and documentation — International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) — Part 2: Version identifier
The International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) is a unique numeric identifier for audiovisual works and related objects. It is based on the Code of Practice for the Identification of Works of Visual Art within the Context of Trade, published in 1994. The ISAN system enables the unambiguous identification and tracing of editions, versions, formats and media types of audiovisual works.
Therefore, It is recommended that all producers, distributors and users of audiovisual works adopt the ISAN system to improve the traceability and management of their audiovisual assets.
What are the requirements of ISO 15706?
ISO 15706 sets out the requirements for the identification of audiovisual works, including audio and video works.
It applies to both original and adaptation works. It is important to remember that ISO 15706 applies to all types of audiovisual works, including feature films, television programmes, commercials, music videos, and short films.
In fact, This standard requires that all audiovisual works be identified with an ISAN. An ISAN is a unique number that is assigned to each audiovisual work. The ISAN must be used in all official references to the audiovisual work, including in any metadata that is associated with the work.
The ISAN must also be included on any physical copies of the work. And The ISAN must also be included on any digital copies of the work.
If you are producing or distributing a digital copy of an audiovisual work, you must ensure that the digital copy includes the ISAN. You can use various technologies to create a digital copy that includes the ISAN.
So, If you are producing or distributing a physical copy of an audiovisual work, you must ensure that the physical copy includes the ISAN.
What are its benefits ?
It is a global standard for the management of audiovisual information. It provides a single, globally accepted framework for audiovisual information management that supports the efficient and effective sharing of audiovisual information across organizations.
The benefits of this standard include:
Reduced confusion and inconsistency in audiovisual information management practices
Improved communication and collaboration between stakeholders
At last, Reduced costs associated with audiovisual information management
If you need more support with ISO 15706, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com
Read About : ISO 15706