EN ISO 11393-3:2018
What is EN ISO 11393-3:2018- Protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws – Part 3: Test methods for footwear? EN ISO 11393-3:2018 specifies the test methods for protective footwear designed for users of hand-held chainsaws. The standard is part of a series of standards related to protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws, which also […]
EN 61482-2: 2020-Protective Clothing
What is EN 61482-2: 2020-Protective Clothing Against The Thermal Hazards Of An Electric Arc? EN 61482-2: 2020-Protective Clothing is a European Standard that specifies requirements and test methods for protective clothing designed to protect against the thermal hazards of an electric arc. This standard is part of a series of standards developed by the European […]
EN ISO 11612-Protection against heat and flames
What is EN ISO 11612-Protective Clothing-Clothing to Protect against Heat and Flame? EN ISO 11612 is an European standard, it specifies performance requirements for protective clothing made from flexible materials that are designed to protect the wearer against heat and flame. The standard is also known as “Protective Clothing – Clothing to Protect Against Heat […]
EN 343:2019 – Protective clothing
What is EN 343:2019 – Protective clothing? EN 343:2019 is a European standard that specifies requirements and test methods for protective clothing against foul weather. It is part of a series of standards that cover various aspects of protective clothing in different environments. EN 343:2019 specifically focuses on protective clothing designed to protect wearers from […]
BS EN 342:2017-Protective clothing
What is BS EN 342:2017-Protective clothing-Ensembles and garments for protection against cold? BS EN 342:2017 is a European standard, it provides specifications and test methods for protective clothing designed to protect individuals against cold environments. It is particularly relevant for workers who are exposed to cold temperatures as part of their job, such as those […]