ISO/IEC 6429:1992(EN) Information technology — Control functions for coded character sets

ISO/IEC 6429:1992 was created by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (as Standard ECMA-48) and was adopted, under a special “fast-track procedure”, by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC1, Information technology, in parallel with its approval by national bodies of ISO and IEC
ISO/IEC 6429:1992 constitutes a repertoire of a large number of control functions the definitions and coded representations of which are thus standardized. For each application the required selection of control functions can be made from this repertoire.
ISO/IEC 6429:1992 is the third edition of ISO/IEC 6429 contains the control functions already standardized in the second edition and, in addition, new control functions needed for handling bi-directional texts
ISO/IEC 6429:1992 defines control functions and their coded representations for use in a 7-bit code, an extended 7-bit code, an 8-bit code or an extended 8-bit code, if such a code is structured in accordance with International Standard ISO 2022.
ISO/IEC 6429:1992 also specifies technical means to handle bi-directional texts in character-imaging devices in the case of
— Texts in a single script of which specific parts need to be presented in an opposite direction
— Texts in different scripts presented in opposite directions (texts in Latin and Arabic or texts in Latin and Hebrew)
— Texts like the above with a horizontal line orientation and a top-to-bottom line progression.
The control functions defined in ISO/IEC 6429:1992 are intended to be used embedded in character-coded data for interchange, in particular with character-imaging devices.
In general, the control functions are defined by their effects on a character-imaging input/output device. It is, therefore, necessary to make certain assumptions about the architecture of such a device. These assumptions are as unrestrictive as possible; they are specified in clause 6.
In addition to being performed the control functions may need to be represented by a graphic symbol.
The structure of this ISO/IEC 6429:1992 is open-ended, so that more control functions can be included in future editions. Other standards specifying control functions may define more restricted definitions of them than those in ISO/IEC 6429:1992
The devices to which this International Standard applies can vary greatly from each other depending on the application for which a device has been specifically designed. It is technically and economically impractical for one device to implement all the facilities specified in this International Standard. The intention is that in any type of device only a limited selection of the facilities appropriate to the application will be implemented.
If you need more support with ISO/IEC 6429:1992, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or