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ISO 8501

ISO 8501, ISO 8502 and ISO 8503 have been created to give styles of assessing these factors, while ISO 8504 provides guidance on the medication styles that are available for drawing sword substrates, indicating the capabilities of each in attaining specified situations of cleanliness.
Given norms don’t contain recommendations for the defensive coating systems to be applied to the sword face. Neither do they contain recommendations for the face quality conditions for specific situations indeed though face quality can have a direct influence on the choice of defensive coating to be applied and on its performance. similar recommendations are given in other documents similar as public norms and canons of practice. It’ll be necessary for the druggies of these International norms to insure that the rates specified are

— Compatible and appropriate both for the environmental conditions to which the steel will be exposed and for the protective coating system to be used;
— Within the capability of the cleaning procedure specified.
The four International Standards referred to above deal with the following aspects of preparation of steel substrates:
ISO 8501 — Visual assessment of surface cleanliness;
ISO 8502 — Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness;
ISO 8503 — Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates;
ISO 8504 — Surface preparation methods.
ISO 8501 consists of the following parts, under the general title Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Visual assessment of surface cleanliness:
— Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings
— Part 2: Preparation grades of previously coated steel substrates after localized removal of previous coatings
— Part 3: Preparation grades of welds, edges and other areas with surface imperfections
— Part 4: Initial surface conditions, preparation grades and flash rust grades in connection with high-pressure water jetting
ISO 8501-1:2007(EN) Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Visual assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings
ISO 8501- 12007 specifies a series of rust grades and medication grades of sword shells. The colorful grades are defined by written descriptions together with photos that are representative exemplifications within the forbearance for each grade as described in words.
ISO 8501- 12007 is applicable to hot- rolled sword shells prepared for oil by styles similar as blast- cleaning, hand and power tool cleaning and honey cleaning, although these styles infrequently lead to similar results. Basically, these styles are intended for hot- rolled sword, but blast- cleaning styles, in particular, could also be used on cold- rolled sword of sufficient consistence to repel any distortion caused by the impact of the abrasive or the goods of power tool cleaning.
ISO 8501- 12007 is applicable also to sword substrates that show remainders of forcefully clinging makeup and other foreign matter in addition to residual shop scale.
ISO 8501- 12007 relates the cleanliness of the face to its visual appearance. In numerous cases, this is sufficient for the purpose but for coatings likely to be exposed to severe surroundings, similar as water absorption and nonstop condensation conditions, consideration should be given to testing for answerable mariners and other unnoticeable pollutants on the visually clean face by the physical and chemical styles which form the subjects of the colorful corridor of ISO 8501. The roughness characteristics of the face should also be considered by reference to the colorful corridor of ISO 8503

ISO 8501- 21994( EN) Preparation of sword substrates before operation of maquillages and affiliated products Visual assessment of face cleanliness — Part 2 Preparation grades of preliminarily carpeted sword substrates after localized junking of former coatings
ISO 8501- 21994 specifies a series of medication grades for sword shells after localized junking of former makeup coatings The colorful medication grades are defined by written descriptions together with the representative photographic exemplifications given in ISO 8501- 1. In addition, photos showing exemplifications of medication grades P Sa 2 ½ and P Mama are given.
ISO 8501- 21994 is applicable to shells prepared for oil by styles similar as blast- cleaning, hand- and power- tool cleaning, and machine abrading.
ISO 8501- 21994 relates the cleanliness of a face to its visual appearance. In numerous cases this is sufficient, but for coatings likely to be exposed to severe surroundings, similar as water absorption and nonstop condensation conditions, consideration should be given to testing for answerable mariners and other unnoticeable pollutants on the visually clean face by the physical and chemical styles which form the subjects of the colorful corridor of ISO 8502.
ISO 8501- 3:2006( EN) Preparation of sword substrates before operation of maquillages and affiliated products Visual assessment of face cleanliness — Part 3 Preparation grades of welds, edges and other areas with face defects
ISO 8501- 3:2006 describes medication grades of welds, edges and other areas, on sword shells with defects. similar defects can come visible before and/ or after an abrasive blast- cleaning process.
The medication grades given in ISO 8501- 3:2006 are to make sword shells with defects, including welded and fabricated shells, suitable for the operation of maquillages and affiliated products.
If you need more support with ISO 8501-1, ISO 8501-2 or ISO 8501-3, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com

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