Looking for ISO 799-2:2021?

ISO 799-2:2021

ISO 799-2:2021

What is ISO 799-2:2021 – Ships and marine technology?  

Introduction to ISO 799-2:2021

ISO 799-2:2021 is a crucial international standard within the realm of ships and marine technology. This standard focuses on the design, installation, and maintenance of marine anchor windlasses, which are mechanical devices used for lowering and raising anchors on ships. Ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficiency of these devices is vital for the operational integrity of maritime vessels.

Key Features of ISO 799-2:2021:

Design Specifications

Installation Requirements

Operational Efficiency

Safety Protocols

How Pacific Certifications Can Help with ISO 799-2:2021 Audit & Certification

At Pacific Certifications, we specialize in providing comprehensive audit and certification services to help your organization achieve ISO 799-2:2021 compliance. Here’s how we can assist you:

Gap Analysis: Our expert auditors will conduct a thorough gap analysis to identify any discrepancies between your current practices and the requirements of ISO 799-2:2021.

Consultation Services: We offer detailed consultation to guide you through the process of aligning your procedures and practices with the standard’s requirements.

Training Programs: We provide tailored training programs to ensure your team is well-versed in the standard’s guidelines and best practices for implementation and maintenance.

Audit Services: Our experienced auditors will perform rigorous audits to verify that your anchor windlasses meet the design, installation, and operational criteria specified in ISO 799-2:2021.

Certification: Upon successful completion of the audit, we will issue an ISO 799-2:2021 certification, demonstrating your compliance with international standards and enhancing your credibility in the maritime industry.

Ongoing Support: We offer ongoing support and surveillance audits to ensure continued compliance and address any evolving requirements or industry changes.

Compliance with ISO 799-2:2021 is essential for ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficiency of anchor windlasses on maritime vessels. At Pacific Certifications, we are committed to providing expert guidance, rigorous audits, and seamless certification services to help your organization achieve and maintain this important standard. Partner with us to enhance your operational safety, reliability, and market competitiveness in the maritime industry.

For more information or to schedule an audit, please contact our team at support@pacificcert.com

What are the requirements of ISO 799-2:2021-Ships and marine technology?

ISO 799-2:2021 sets forth detailed requirements to ensure the safe and efficient design, installation, and maintenance of marine anchor windlasses. The standard’s requirements are designed to enhance safety, reliability, and performance in maritime operations. Below are the key requirements outlined in ISO 799-2:2021:

Design Requirements for ISO 799-2:2021

Materials: Specifications for the materials used in the construction of anchor windlasses to ensure durability and resistance to marine environmental conditions.

Dimensions and Tolerances: Detailed guidelines on the dimensions, tolerances, and mechanical properties of components to ensure compatibility and proper functioning.

Strength and Durability: Requirements for the structural strength and durability of the windlass components to withstand operational loads and stresses.

Corrosion Protection: Mandates for protective coatings and treatments to prevent corrosion and extend the lifespan of the windlasses.

Performance Requirements for ISO 799-2:2021

Load Capacity: Specifications for the maximum load capacities and safety factors to ensure the windlass can handle the anchor’s weight and the forces exerted during operation.

Operational Speeds: Requirements for the speed of raising and lowering the anchor to ensure efficient and controlled operations.

Power and Control Systems: Guidelines for the design and integration of power and control systems, including emergency release mechanisms and load monitoring devices.

Installation Requirements of ISO 799-2:2021

Foundation and Mounting: Detailed instructions on the foundation requirements and mounting procedures to ensure the windlass is securely and properly installed on the vessel.

Alignment and Positioning: Requirements for the correct alignment and positioning of the windlass to ensure optimal performance and minimize wear and tear.

Safety Features: Installation of safety features such as guards, barriers, and emergency stops to protect personnel and equipment.

Operational Requirements for ISO 799-2:2021

Operational Procedures: Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the use of anchor windlasses, including pre-operation checks, operation, and post-operation maintenance.

Training and Competency: Requirements for the training and competency of personnel responsible for operating and maintaining the windlasses.

Maintenance Schedules: Detailed maintenance schedules and procedures to ensure the windlass remains in optimal working condition, including lubrication, inspection, and parts replacement.

Testing and Inspection

Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT): Requirements for testing the windlass at the manufacturing site to verify compliance with design specifications and performance criteria.

Site Acceptance Tests (SAT): On-site testing procedures to ensure proper installation and functioning of the windlass after installation on the vessel.

Periodic Inspections: Guidelines for regular inspections and audits to monitor the condition and performance of the windlass throughout its operational life.

Documentation and Records

Technical Documentation: Comprehensive documentation of the design, materials, testing, and installation procedures to be provided by the manufacturer.

Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Detailed manuals for the operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of the windlass to be made available to the vessel operators.

Compliance Records: Maintenance of records demonstrating compliance with ISO 799-2:2021 requirements, including inspection reports, test results, and maintenance logs.

Compliance and Certification

Certification Requirements: Specifications for the certification process, including initial certification, periodic audits, and re-certification procedures to ensure ongoing compliance with the standard.

ISO 799-2:2021 outlines comprehensive requirements to ensure the safety, reliability, and efficiency of marine anchor windlasses. Compliance with these requirements is crucial for maintaining high standards in maritime operations and ensuring the safety of vessels and personnel.

At Pacific Certifications, we are dedicated to helping your organization achieve and maintain compliance with ISO 799-2:2021 through expert guidance, rigorous audits, and comprehensive certification services. For more information, please contact our team at support@pacificcert.com today!

What are the benefits of ISO 799-2:2021 – Ships and marine technology?

ISO 799-2:2021 offers numerous benefits to organizations within the maritime industry by setting high standards for the design, installation, and maintenance of marine anchor windlasses. These benefits enhance operational efficiency, safety, compliance, and market competitiveness. Here are the key advantages of adhering to ISO 799-2:2021:

Enhanced Safety

  • Reduced Risk of Failure: By ensuring that anchor windlasses meet stringent design and operational standards, the risk of equipment failure is minimized, thereby enhancing the overall safety of maritime operations.
  • Protection for Crew and Vessel: The standard’s emphasis on safety features such as emergency release mechanisms and load indicators helps protect both the crew and the vessel during anchor operations.

Improved Reliability and Performance

  • Consistent Performance: Compliance with ISO 799-2:2021 ensures that anchor windlasses operate reliably under various conditions, leading to consistent performance and reduced downtime.
  • Operational Efficiency: The standard’s guidelines for operational speeds and power systems ensure that anchor windlasses perform efficiently, facilitating smooth maritime operations.

Regulatory Compliance

  • International Standards: Adhering to ISO 799-2:2021 helps organizations meet international maritime safety regulations and standards, ensuring compliance with global requirements.
  • Certification and Audit Readiness: Organizations certified to ISO 799-2:2021 are better prepared for regulatory audits and inspections, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.

Cost Savings

  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: The standard’s guidelines for maintenance schedules and procedures help prevent unexpected breakdowns, reducing maintenance costs and extending the lifespan of the equipment.
  • Efficient Resource Utilization: By ensuring optimal performance and reliability, organizations can better utilize their resources, leading to cost efficiencies.

Enhanced Market Competitiveness

  • Reputation for Quality: Demonstrating compliance with ISO 799-2:2021 enhances an organization’s reputation for quality and reliability, making it more attractive to clients and partners.
  • Competitive Edge: Certification to ISO 799-2:2021 can provide a competitive edge in the maritime industry, signaling to stakeholders that the organization adheres to the highest standards of safety and performance.

Operational Standardization

  • Consistency Across Operations: The standard provides a uniform framework for the design, installation, and maintenance of anchor windlasses, ensuring consistency across different vessels and operations.
  • Best Practices: Organizations can implement best practices outlined in the standard, leading to improved operational procedures and overall efficiency.

Sustainable Operations

  • Environmental Considerations: The standard includes guidelines for corrosion protection and material durability, which contribute to more sustainable operations by reducing the need for frequent replacements and repairs.
  • Resource Conservation: Efficient operation and maintenance of anchor windlasses as per ISO 799-2:2021 help conserve resources, aligning with broader environmental sustainability goals.

Continuous Improvement

  • Ongoing Compliance: Regular audits and inspections as part of the certification process encourage continuous improvement and adherence to the latest industry standards and practices.
  • Adaptability: Organizations can stay up-to-date with technological advancements and evolving industry requirements, ensuring long-term operational resilience.

Adopting ISO 799-2:2021 brings significant benefits to organizations in the maritime industry by enhancing safety, reliability, performance, and compliance. Partner with us to elevate your operational standards and achieve excellence in maritime safety and performance.

Who needs ISO 799-2:2021 – Ships and marine technology?

ISO 799-2:2021 is essential for various stakeholders within the maritime industry who are involved in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of marine vessels. Here is a detailed overview of who needs this standard and why:

Shipbuilders and Shipyards

Need for Compliance: Shipbuilders and shipyards are responsible for constructing new vessels and installing critical components like anchor windlasses. Ensuring these components meet ISO 799-2:2021 standards is crucial for the safety and reliability of the vessels they produce.


  • Adherence to international safety and quality standards.
  • Enhanced marketability of vessels due to compliance with recognized standards.
  • Reduced risk of post-construction modifications or repairs.

Shipping Companies and Vessel Operators

Shipping companies and vessel operators must ensure their fleets are equipped with reliable and efficient anchor windlasses. Compliance with ISO 799-2:2021 helps in maintaining operational safety and efficiency.


  • Increased safety for crew and cargo.
  • Reduced downtime and maintenance costs due to reliable equipment.
  • Enhanced reputation and competitiveness in the maritime market.

Marine Equipment Manufacturers

Manufacturers of marine anchor windlasses and related equipment need to design and produce products that meet ISO 799-2:2021 standards. This ensures their products are accepted in the global market.


  • Access to international markets with standardized, compliant products.
  • Increased customer trust and satisfaction due to high-quality products.
  • Reduced liability and risk of product failure.

Naval Architects and Marine Engineers

Professionals involved in the design and engineering of ships must ensure that their designs meet ISO 799-2:2021 requirements, particularly for critical systems like anchor windlasses.


  • Assurance that designs comply with international safety and performance standards.
  • Enhanced credibility and professional reputation.
  • Reduced risk of design flaws and associated costs.

Maritime Regulatory Bodies and Inspectors

Regulatory bodies and inspectors are responsible for enforcing maritime safety standards. ISO 799-2:2021 provides a clear benchmark for evaluating the safety and reliability of anchor windlasses on vessels.


  • Clear guidelines for evaluating and certifying maritime equipment.
  • Consistency in safety inspections and regulatory compliance.
  • Enhanced safety and reliability across the maritime industry.

Marine Surveyors and Certification Bodies

Marine surveyors and certification bodies conduct inspections and audits to certify that vessels and their components comply with international standards, including ISO 799-2:2021.


  • Structured framework for conducting thorough and consistent inspections.
  • Ability to provide credible certification that enhances client trust.
  • Contribution to global maritime safety and standardization efforts.

Ship Maintenance and Repair Companies

Companies specializing in the maintenance and repair of ships must ensure that repairs and replacements of anchor windlasses comply with ISO 799-2:2021 standards.


  • Assurance of high-quality maintenance and repair services.
  • Extended lifespan and reliability of serviced equipment.
  • Enhanced client satisfaction and safety.

Maritime Training Institutions

Institutions that train maritime professionals need to incorporate ISO 799-2:2021 standards into their curricula to ensure that trainees are knowledgeable about current best practices and safety standards.

Benefits ISO 799-2:2021 to Maritime Training Institutions:

  • Comprehensive training that aligns with industry standards.
  • Increased employability of graduates who are well-versed in ISO standards.
  • Contribution to overall maritime safety and professionalism.

ISO 799-2:2021 is essential for a wide range of stakeholders in the maritime industry, from shipbuilders and operators to regulatory bodies and training institutions. Adherence to this standard ensures safety, reliability, and efficiency in maritime operations, contributing to the overall integrity and competitiveness of the industry.

Pacific Certifications is accredited by ABIS, in case you need support with ISO 799-2:2021 for your business, please contact us at suppport@pacificcert.com or +91-8595603096

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