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ISO 2533:1975(EN) Standard Atmosphere

Technical Committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraft and Space Vehicles, developed ISO 2533, which was distributed to the Member Bodies in April 1972.
Based on the standard atmospheres of ICAO 1964 and USA 1962, which for these altitudes were recognized as the most representative when comparing the current national and international standards and recommendations on the atmosphere with the findings of recent research, the characteristics of the ISO 2533:1975(Standard Atmosphere) have been calculated as functions of geometric and geopotential altitudes for altitudes from – 2 000 to 50 000 m.
The ISO Interim Standard Atmosphere’s atmospheric parameters for altitudes between 50 000 and 80 000 m were calculated using data from this recent study.
For use in calculations and flying vehicle design, to present test results of flying vehicles and their components under same conditions, and to enable unification in the field of sensor development and calibration, ISO 2533:1975 specifies the parameters of an ISO Standard Atmosphere. It is also advised to utilise it when processing data from meteorological and geophysical observations.
If you need more support with ISO 2533:1975, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com

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