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ISO 23733:2007 Textiles — Chenille yarns

Chenille yarns are typically made of several different threads twisted together to create a fabric with a TEXTURE. The linear density of a chenille yarn is the mass per unit width measured in grams per centimeter. In this test method, the linear density of chenille yarns is determined by measuring their weight in grams and then dividing that number by the cross-sectional area of the sample, in millimeters.

What is ISO 23733:2007 ?

ISO 23733:2007 is a standard for testing the linear density of chenille yarns. It defines procedures for the determination of linear density, including a method for the verification of results. Linear density is important for a number of reasons. It can be used to determine the strength and elasticity of chenille yarns, as well as their ability to resist wear and tear.

ISO 23733:2007 is based on the principles of ISO 9001:2015. It provides a single standard for the testing and certification of textiles products worldwide.

So, If you are manufacturing or selling chenille yarns, you should be familiar with ISO 23733:2007. 

What are the requirements of ISO 23733:2007 ?

Linear density is the weight per unit length of a yarn. It is used to characterize the strength and fabric properties of a yarn. In Fact, There are three measures of linear density: yarn weight, weight per unit length, and number of plies.

Yarn weight is the most common measure of linear density. It is measured in grams per meter. yarn weight can be used to determine the strength and durability of a yarn.

Weight per unit length is also a common measure of linear density. It is measured in grams per meter and it is used to characterize the overall strength and feel of a yarn.

Number of plies is a measure that is used to characterize the structural integrity of a yarn. So, It is measured in thousandths of a meter and it is used to determine how resistant a yarn is to tearing.

What are its benefits ?

ISO 23733:2007 is a guide for the determination of linear density in textiles. The standard provides a method that is specific to the linearity of yarns and allows for the differentiation between two types of yarns, i.e., those with linearity and those without linearity. This standard has been adopted by many textile producers and consumers as it offers a reliable and reproducible method for determination of linear density.

Linear density is one of the most important properties of yarns and can be used to measure various characteristics, such as strength, durability, shrinkage, etc. Thus, The higher the linear density of a yarn, the higher its strength and durability.

The benefits of using ISO 23733:2007 include the following:

It is specific to the linearity of yarns. This means that it can be used to differentiate between two types of yarns – those with linearity and those without linearity.

It is reproducible. This means that it can be repeated multiple times without any significant variations in results.

It is reliable. This means that it offers a consistent method for determining linear density across different samples and different laboratories.

Who needs this standard ?

ISO 23733:2007 is a global standard for the quality assurance and testing of textiles. This standard covers the determination of linear density (Ldensity) in different types of yarns.

Ldensity is an important parameter for the quality control of textiles. It can be used to determine the weight per unit length of a yarn, and it can also be used to predict the strength, resilience, and tensile properties of a yarn.

ISO 23733:2007 specifies a test method for the determination of Ldensity in Chenille yarns. The test method is based on the principle of shear wave velocitymetry.

The test apparatus used for the determination of Ldensity in Chenille yarns is shown in Figure 1. Thus, The test apparatus consists of a shear wave velocitymeter (SWV) and a transducer. The SWV measures the shear wave velocity at two points along the fiber axis. The transducer converts the shear wave velocity measurements into density values.

As a result, The Ldensity values obtained using ISO 23733:2007 are suitable for quality control purposes. They can be used to determine whether a particular Chenille yarn meets specific requirements related to its strength, resilience etc

If you need more support with ISO 23733:2007, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com

Read About : ISO/IEC 24744

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