Looking for ISO 2049:1996?

ISO 2049:1996

What is ISO 2049:1996 Petroleum products — Determination of colour (ASTM scale)? 

ISO 2049:1996 specifies a method for the determination of the colour of petroleum products by the ASTM D1500-90 method. The ASTM D1500-90 method is a widely accepted industry standard for the determination of the colour of petroleum products.

The standard provides guidelines for the preparation of samples, measurement of the colour, and calculation of the results. The method involves the comparison of the colour of a sample with a series of coloured glasses of known colour intensity. The colour of the glass that matches the colour of the sample is used to determine the ASTM colour of the sample. 

This standard is applicable to a wide range of petroleum products. Including gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, heating oils, lubricating oils, and other petroleum-based products. The standard is used in the petroleum industry to ensure consistency and accuracy in the measurement of colour, which is an important quality control parameter for many petroleum products. 

Requirements of ISO 2049:1996 

ISO 2049:1996 specifies the requirements for determining the colour of petroleum products by the ASTM D1500-90 method. The standard includes guidelines for the following:

Sampling: The sample should be representative of the product being tested and should be taken in accordance with the applicable standards.

Apparatus: The standard specifies the requirements for the apparatus used for the determination of the colour. This includes the type of glassware, light sources, and filters to be used.

Preparation of the sample: The sample should be filtered to remove any particulate matter. And then heated to a specified temperature to ensure homogeneity.

Measurement of the colour: The colour of the sample is compared to a series of standard coloured glasses of known colour intensity. The standard specifies the number of glasses to be used. And the order of their use, and the criteria for determining the appropriate glass.

Calculation of the results: The ASTM colour of the sample is determined by using the colour of the standard glass that most closely matches the colour of the sample. The standard provides guidelines for the calculation of the results and the reporting of the data.

ISO 2049:1996 also specifies the precision and bias of the method and provides guidance on the interpretation of the results. 

Benefits of ISO 2049: 

Quality control: The colour of petroleum products can be an indicator of their quality and can provide information about their composition and purity. So, Standardized colour measurements can help ensure that products meet quality specifications. And can help identify potential issues with the product. 

Consistency: By using a standardised method for the determination of colour, measurements can be made consistently across different laboratories and testing facilities. Which can help ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results. 

International trade: ISO 2049:1996 provides a standardised method that is recognized and accepted internationally. Which can facilitate trade in petroleum products and help ensure that products are of consistent quality. 

Health and safety: The colour of petroleum products can be an indicator of their suitability for particular applications, such as in the case of aviation fuel. Thus, Standardised colour measurements can help ensure that the product is suitable for its intended use. Also, it can help prevent accidents or health risks associated with the use of inappropriate products. 

Overall, ISO 2049 provides a valuable tool for the petroleum industry and other industries that use petroleum products. Helping to ensure that products are of consistent quality and suitable for their intended use. 

Who needs ISO 2049? 

ISO 2049:1996 is primarily intended for use by the petroleum industry, including oil refineries, petroleum product manufacturers, and testing laboratories. It may also be of interest to regulatory agencies, such as those responsible for enforcing fuel quality standards or environmental regulations related to petroleum products.

Other industries that use petroleum products may also find this standard useful. Such as the automotive and aviation industries, which rely on consistent quality fuel for safe and reliable operation.

In general, anyone involved in the production, testing, or use of petroleum products may benefit from the standardised method for determining colour provided by ISO 2049

 If you need more support with ISO 2049, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com 

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