Looking for ISO 10006:2017-Quality management?

ISO 10006:2017-Quality management

ISO 10006:2017-Quality management — Guidelines for quality management in projects

What is ISO 10006:2017-Quality management — Guidelines for quality management in projects?

ISO 10006:2017 provides guidance and recommendations for implementing quality management principles and practices within the context of project management.

The standard aims to assist organizations in ensuring that projects are effectively managed to achieve their quality objectives and meet stakeholder requirements. ISO 10006 offers a systematic approach to quality management throughout the project lifecycle, from project initiation to project closure. It can be applied to projects of various sizes and complexities across different industries.

Here are the key components and guidelines outlined in the standard:

  • Quality Management System in Projects
  • Project Quality Planning
  • Project Quality Assurance
  • Project Quality Control
  • Project Documentation and Records
  • Continuous Improvement

ISO 10006 provides organizations with a framework to ensure that quality considerations are integrated into project management processes. By following the guidelines and recommendations of the standard, organizations can enhance project performance, meet stakeholder expectations, and improve overall project outcomes.

Requirements of ISO 10006:2017

Quality Management System:

  • Establishing a project-specific quality management system that aligns with the organization’s overall quality management framework.
  • Ensuring that roles, responsibilities, and authorities for quality management are clearly defined

Project Quality Planning:

  • Defining quality objectives and requirements for the project, considering stakeholder expectations.
  • Developing a quality management plan that outlines quality activities, resources, and timelines

Project Quality Assurance:

  • Conducting quality audits, inspections, and reviews to verify compliance with quality requirements.
  • Implementing corrective actions to address non-conformities and quality issues

The Project Quality Control:

  • Monitoring project activities and outputs to ensure they meet quality requirements.
  • Collecting and analyzing quality data to assess project performance and identify improvement opportunities

Project Documentation and Records:

  • Establishing procedures for the creation, control, and retention of project-related documentation and records.
  • Ensuring that project records provide evidence of compliance with quality requirements

Project Quality Reviews:

  • Conducting periodic reviews of project performance to assess its compliance with quality objectives.
  • Identifying areas for improvement and implementing appropriate actions

Continuous Improvement:

  • Promoting a culture of continuous improvement within the project management environment.
  • Collecting feedback from stakeholders and incorporating lessons learned into future projects

Benefits of ISO 10006:2017

Improved Project Performance: By following the guidelines of ISO 10006, organizations can enhance project performance. Implementing effective quality management practices helps ensure that project activities and deliverables meet the required quality standards, resulting in improved project outcomes and customer satisfaction.

Enhanced Stakeholder Confidence: This standard  emphasizes the importance of considering stakeholder expectations and requirements. By implementing the recommended quality management practices, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to meeting stakeholder needs, thereby enhancing stakeholder confidence and trust.

Clear Quality Objectives and Planning: ISO 10006 provides guidance on establishing quality objectives and developing a quality management plan for projects. This helps organizations define specific quality targets, plan quality activities, allocate appropriate resources, and monitor progress effectively, leading to better project planning and execution.

Consistent and Standardized Practices: The standard promotes the adoption of consistent quality management practices across projects within an organization. This enables organizations to establish standardized processes, procedures, and documentation, resulting in improved efficiency, reduced errors, and enhanced communication and collaboration among project teams.

Effective Quality Control and Assurance: The guidelines in the standard assist organizations in implementing robust quality control and assurance measures. This includes conducting regular quality audits, inspections, and reviews to ensure compliance with quality requirements, identifying and addressing non-conformities, and implementing corrective actions to prevent future issues.


Continual Improvement: This standard encourages organizations to adopt a culture of continuous improvement within their project management practices. By collecting feedback, conducting project reviews, and incorporating lessons learned, organizations can identify areas for enhancement and implement appropriate actions to improve future projects.

Mitigation of Risks and Cost Reduction: Implementing effective quality management practices as recommended by the standard helps organizations identify and mitigate risks related to quality in projects. This can lead to a reduction in rework, delays, and associated costs, resulting in improved project efficiency and financial performance.

Enhanced Organizational Learning: This standard promotes the capture and dissemination of lessons learned from projects. By incorporating lessons learned into future projects, organizations can avoid repeating past mistakes, leverage best practices. And foster a culture of learning and improvement across the organization.

Alignment with International Best Practices: ISO 10006 is based on internationally recognized best practices for quality management in projects. By adopting these guidelines, organizations align themselves with global standards, frameworks, and methodologies, benefiting from the collective expertise and experience of project management professionals worldwide.

Who needs ISO 10006:2017-Quality management — Guidelines for quality management in projects?

ISO 10006:2017 is relevant to a wide range of organizations involved in project management activities. It is applicable to organizations of all sizes and sectors that undertake projects, regardless of the industry or the type of project being executed. The standard can benefit the following stakeholders:

Project-Oriented Organizations: Organizations that frequently engage in projects, such as construction companies, engineering firms, IT service providers, and research institutions, can benefit from the standard. The guidelines assist in establishing effective quality management practices specific to project environments.

Project Managers: Project managers play a crucial role in ensuring project success and meeting quality objectives. The standard provides valuable guidance to project managers, helping them plan, execute, and control projects in a way that ensures the desired level of quality.

Project Teams: ISO 10006 is beneficial to project teams involved in executing and delivering projects. It helps teams understand quality requirements, establish appropriate quality control measures, and implement quality improvement initiatives.

Project Stakeholders: This standard emphasizes the importance of considering stakeholder requirements and expectations. This benefits project stakeholders, including clients, customers, end-users, and regulatory bodies, by ensuring that their needs are met and their satisfaction is achieved through effective quality management practices.


Quality Professionals: Quality professionals responsible for implementing and managing quality management systems can use this standard as a reference guide. It provides specific guidance on quality management in the project context, helping these professionals integrate quality management principles into project management practices.

Organizations Seeking Process Improvement: Organizations looking to enhance their project management practices and improve overall project outcomes can benefit from the standard. The guidelines offer a systematic approach to quality management, helping organizations establish consistent processes, reduce errors. And continuously improve project performance.

Certification Bodies and Auditors: Certification bodies and auditors can use it as a reference for assessing an organization’s quality management practices in projects. The guidelines help auditors evaluate the effectiveness and maturity of an organization’s project quality management system.

Training and Education Providers: ISO 10006 serves as a valuable resource for training and education providers in the field of project management. It can be used to develop training materials, courses, and workshops that focus on integrating quality management principles into project management practices.

If you need more support with ISO 10006, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com

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