Looking for ISO 10004:2018 Quality management-Customer satisfaction?

ISO 10004:2018 Quality management-Customer satisfaction

ISO 10004:2018 Quality management-Customer satisfaction

What is ISO 10004:2018 Quality management-Customer satisfaction-Guidelines for monitoring and measuring?

ISO 10004:2018 Quality management-Customer satisfaction pertains to Quality Management with a focus on Customer Satisfaction. Specifically, it provides guidelines for monitoring and measuring customer satisfaction in a structured, consistent manner. It is designed to offer organizations a framework for defining and implementing processes, methods, and responsibilities geared toward customer satisfaction management. Though not intended for certification, like some other ISO standards, it serves as a complementary standard to ISO 9001, which relates more broadly to Quality Management Systems.

The standard covers various aspects related to customer satisfaction, including but not limited to:
  • Identification of Customer Needs and Expectations: Organizations are guided on how to identify customer needs effectively, which often involves direct interactions like surveys, feedback forms, and interviews, among others.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: The standard provides methods for gathering qualitative and quantitative data to measure customer satisfaction. This could range from direct feedback, complaints, or even third-party reviews.
  • Customer Feedback Handling: It addresses how customer feedback, both positive and negative, should be processed and acted upon to improve customer satisfaction levels continually.
  • Review and Improvement: Periodic reviews are suggested to identify gaps in the existing processes, and continual improvements are encouraged based on the data collected.
  • Responsibilities and Authorities: The standard indicates the importance of clearly defined roles in managing customer satisfaction, making it easier to assign accountability and improve effectiveness.
  • Documentation and Record-Keeping: Proper documentation of processes, feedback, and actions is emphasized for future references and for auditing purposes.

Also, it is worth mentioning that while the guidelines by ISO 10004:2018 can be implemented in any organization, irrespective of its size or the nature of the products/services it offers, it does not impose any specific requirements. The guidelines are general and designed to be adaptable to the unique circumstances of each organization.

Overall, if your organization is involved in issuing management system certifications like ISO 9001, ISO 10004:2018 could serve as a valuable supplementary resource. It aligns well with the broader Quality Management Systems framework and can provide your clients with additional tools to enhance customer satisfaction, which is a critical component of quality management.

What are the requirements for ISO 10004:2018?

ISO 10004:2018 Quality management-Customer satisfaction is a guidance document rather than a certifiable standard, which means it doesn’t have specific “requirements” in the way that standards like ISO 9001 or ISO 27001 do. It offers a framework for monitoring and measuring customer satisfaction but leaves the implementation details to the individual organization. That said, it does outline a number of key areas that organizations should consider when implementing a system to monitor and measure customer satisfaction.

Here is a general overview of the standard:


  • Establish Objectives: Clearly define what you intend to achieve with customer satisfaction monitoring and measurement.
  • Scope and Criteria: Determine the scope of the customer satisfaction system, including which customers to target and the criteria for measuring satisfaction.

Data Collection

  • Methodology: Identify the methodology for collecting customer satisfaction data. This could involve surveys, focus groups, customer interviews, etc.
  • Sampling: Decide on a sampling strategy.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

  • Data Handling: Establish procedures for collecting, storing, and analyzing customer satisfaction data.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Use relevant KPIs to measure customer satisfaction levels and trends over time.

Customer Feedback

  • Channels: Create multiple channels for receiving customer feedback, such as online reviews, customer service interactions, and direct feedback forms.
  • Response Mechanisms: Define how the organization will respond to customer feedback, including complaints.
Review and Improvement
  • Review Mechanisms: Establish regular review processes to evaluate the effectiveness of the customer satisfaction monitoring system.
  • Continual Improvement: Identify opportunities for continual improvement based on customer feedback and performance metrics.

Responsibilities and Authorities

  • Leadership: Establish clear roles and responsibilities for managing the customer satisfaction monitoring system.
  • Training and Competency: Ensure that relevant personnel are trained and competent in customer satisfaction management.

Documentation and Records

  • Document Control: Maintain adequate documentation of processes, metrics, and feedback for compliance and review purposes.
  • Data Security: Ensure the secure storage of customer data and comply with applicable laws and regulations.

While it is not a certifiable standard, in conjunction with ISO 9001 it provides more comprehensive quality management system with a focus on customer satisfaction.

What are the benefits of ISO 10004:2018 Quality management-Customer satisfaction?

The adoption of ISO 10004:2018 provides numerous benefits to organizations aiming to improve their customer satisfaction levels. Below are some of the key advantages:

Enhanced Customer Loyalty

Effective monitoring and measurement of customer satisfaction can lead to increased customer loyalty. By identifying customer needs and expectations accurately, organizations can tailor their products and services to meet or exceed those expectations, thereby encouraging repeat business.

Competitive Advantage

Understanding customer satisfaction metrics in a detailed, structured manner enables organizations to identify key differentiators that set them apart from competitors. This data-driven approach can provide a competitive edge in the market.

Operational Efficiency

The guidelines help to structure the process of gathering and analyzing customer feedback, streamlining operations. This can lead to more efficient use of resources, saving time and effort in customer relationship management activities.

Risk Mitigation

Regularly monitoring customer satisfaction can act as an early warning system for potential issues, allowing organizations to proactively address problems before they escalate. This can help in mitigating risks associated with customer dissatisfaction, such as negative reviews or loss of market share.

Improved Communication

The standard encourages open channels of communication between customers and the organization. This can lead to better relationships and understanding, paving the way for more meaningful interactions and long-term relationships.

Informed Decision-making

The systematic collection and analysis of customer satisfaction data can offer invaluable insights that inform strategic decisions, from product development to customer service protocols and beyond.

Continual Improvement

The guidelines emphasize the importance of ongoing evaluation and adjustment, forming a cycle of continual improvement. This aligns with the principles of Quality Management Systems like ISO 9001, which also advocates for a focus on continual improvement based on feedback and metrics.

Regulatory and Stakeholder Confidence

Though ISO 10004:2018 is not a certifiable standard, demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction using a globally recognized framework can enhance stakeholder trust and meet or exceed regulatory expectations.

Focus on Long-term Success

A structured approach to customer satisfaction contributes to long-term organizational success by emphasizing quality, customer focus, and continual improvement. This can enhance brand reputation and lead to sustainable business growth.

Overall, ISO 10004 provides a strong supplement to quality management systems like ISO 9001, incorporating a structured approach to monitoring and improving customer satisfaction, thereby adding an extra layer of credibility and effectiveness to the certifications you provide.

Who needs ISO 10004:2018 Quality management-Customer satisfaction?

ISO 10004:2018 Quality management-Customer satisfaction is versatile in its applicability and can be beneficial for a wide range of organizations that have a focus on customer satisfaction as part of their quality management approach. Here are some categories of organizations that could benefit from implementing ISO 10004:2018:

Service Providers

Companies in the service sector, such as telecommunications, hospitality, and healthcare, can use this standard to gauge customer satisfaction effectively and improve service quality.


Manufacturing firms that produce consumer goods can use ISO 10004:2018 to understand how customers perceive the quality of their products and make necessary improvements.


Retail businesses can use these guidelines to collect customer feedback about the shopping experience, product quality, and customer service, and subsequently implement improvements.

E-commerce Platforms

With the rapid growth of online shopping, e-commerce platforms can employ the guidelines to collect and analyze data on customer behavior and satisfaction, thereby tailoring their offerings more effectively.

Government Agencies

Public sector organizations can use this standard to evaluate citizen satisfaction regarding public services, and hence improve public service delivery and governance.

Non-Profit Organizations

Even organizations in the non-profit sector can benefit from understanding the satisfaction levels of their beneficiaries, donors, or volunteers to improve their programs and outreach strategies.

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

The flexibility of ISO 10004:2018 allows it to be adaptable to smaller organizations as well, enabling them to compete with larger enterprises in terms of customer satisfaction.

Large Corporations

For larger, multinational corporations, ISO 10004:2018 offers a standardized way to assess customer satisfaction across diverse markets and cultural settings, allowing for consistent performance metrics.

Certification Bodies

Entities that offer management system certifications, such as Pacific Certifications, can recommend the adoption of ISO 10004:2018 as a complementary tool for organizations already committed to quality management systems like ISO 9001. This can enhance the overall value proposition of the certification services offered.

Quality and Customer Service Departments

Within any organization, departments focused on quality assurance and customer service will find this standard to be an invaluable resource for implementing effective feedback systems.

Overall, by offering guidelines for systematically measuring and monitoring customer satisfaction, ISO 10004:2018 is conducive to any organization that aims to excel in customer-centricity and quality management. It is particularly useful for those who want to establish a robust, systematic, and data-driven approach to customer satisfaction, thereby enhancing both immediate and long-term business success.

At last, Pacific Certifications is accredited by ABIS, you need more support with ISO 10004:2018 Quality management-Customer satisfaction, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com

Also read: ISO 10012:2003-Measurement management systems

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