Looking for ISO 2846-1:2017?

ISO 2846-1:2017

ISO 2846-1:2017 lithographic printing

What is ISO 2846-1:2017 Part 1: Sheet-fed and heat-set web offset lithographic printing?

ISO 2846-1:2017 provides color and transparency specifications for sheet-fed and heat-set web offset lithographic printing.

In particular, ISO 2846-1:2017 specifies the color and transparency of printing inks used in offset lithography. The standard defines a set of 14 color pigments that can be used in printing inks, and specifies the transparency of each pigment. It also defines a set of reference printing conditions. Including substrate type, printing parameters, and viewing conditions, under which the specified color and transparency values should be achieved.

The purpose of ISO 2846-1 is to ensure that printing inks produced by different manufacturers and used in different printing presses produce consistent and predictable colors and transparencies. By following the standard, printers can achieve accurate and reproducible color and transparency in their printed materials.

Requirements of ISO 2846-1:2017

Colorimetric properties: The printing ink must have specific colorimetric properties. Including color space, hue, chroma, and lightness. These properties must be measured and evaluated according to specific standards and procedures.

Transparency: The printing ink must have specific transparency properties. Including transparency in the printed and unprinted areas, as well as transparency overprinted with other inks. These properties must be measured and evaluated according to specific standards and procedures.

Lightfastness: The printing ink must be resistant to fading and other changes when exposed to light over time. The lightfastness properties of the ink must be measured and evaluated according to specific standards and procedures.

Consistency: The printing ink must be consistent in its color and transparency properties across different batches, and must also be consistent throughout the printing process.

Labeling: The printing ink must be properly labeled with relevant information. Including the ink type, manufacturer, batch number, and any relevant safety information.

ISO 2846-1:2017 is designed to ensure that printing inks used in sheet-fed and heat-set web offset lithographic printing meet specific color and transparency requirements. As well as other important properties such as lightfastness and consistency.

Benefits of ISO 2846-1:2017

Improved print quality: The colorimetric and transparency requirements specified in ISO 2846-1:2017 can help ensure that the printing ink produces consistent, high-quality prints.

Standardization: The standardization provided by the standard can help ensure that printing inks are consistent across different batches and manufacturers. Making it easier to compare and evaluate different inks.

Increased efficiency: By specifying specific requirements for printing inks, this standard can help streamline the printing process and reduce waste. Resulting in increased efficiency and cost savings.

Better lightfastness: The lightfastness requirements specified in this standard can help ensure that prints maintain their quality over time, even when exposed to light.

Improved safety: Proper labelling of printing inks with relevant information can help ensure that they are used safely and handled correctly. Reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.

ISO 2846-2:2007-Coldset offset lithographic printing

ISO 2846-2:2007 specifies the color and transparency characteristics of printing inks used for coldset offset lithographic printing. Coldset printing is a type of offset printing where the ink dries through absorption into the paper. Rather than through heat or evaporation.

ISO 2846-2 outlines the following requirements for coldset offset lithographic printing:

Colorimetric properties: The printing ink must have specific colorimetric properties. Including color space, hue, chroma, and lightness. These properties must be measured and evaluated according to specific standards and procedures.

Transparency: The printing ink must have specific transparency properties. Including transparency in the printed and unprinted areas, as well as transparency overprinted with other inks. These properties must be measured and evaluated according to specific standards and procedures.

Lightfastness: The printing ink must be resistant to fading and other changes when exposed to light over time. The lightfastness properties of the ink must be measured and evaluated according to specific standards and procedures.

Consistency: The printing ink must be consistent in its color and transparency properties across different batches, and must also be consistent throughout the printing process.

Labeling: The printing ink must be properly labeled with relevant information. Including the ink type, manufacturer, batch number, and any relevant safety information.

Overall, ISO 2846-2:2007 Part 2 is designed to ensure that printing inks used in coldset offset lithographic printing meet specific color and transparency requirements, as well as other important properties. Such as lightfastness and consistency.

If you need more support with ISO 2846, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com 

What is ISO 2859 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes?

ISO 2859 is a set of international standards that provides sampling procedures for inspection by attributes. These standards are commonly used in quality control and assurance programs to determine whether a particular batch or lot of products meets a certain level of quality.

The ISO 2859 standards include:

ISO 2859-1: Sampling procedures for inspection by attributesSampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection: This standard provides a series of sampling plans based on the acceptable quality level (AQL) that a producer or customer requires. It outlines the procedures for selecting a sample from a lot, inspecting it for defects or nonconformities, and deciding whether to accept or reject the entire lot based on the number and severity of the defects found in the sample.

ISO 2859-2: Sampling procedures for inspection by attributesSampling plans indexed by limiting quality (LQ) for isolated lot inspection: This standard provides sampling plans for use when the producer is interested in controlling the maximum number of defects in a lot. It outlines procedures for selecting a sample from a lot, inspecting it for defects or nonconformities. And deciding whether to accept or reject the entire lot based on the number of defects found in the sample.

ISO 2859-3: Sampling procedures for inspection by attributesSkip-lot sampling procedures: This standard provides a procedure for determining whether a batch or lot of products can be skipped or not. Skip-lot sampling is a method where only a fraction of the lots are inspected. Reducing inspection costs while still maintaining the same level of quality control.

ISO 2859-4:2020- Procedures for assessment of declared quality levels

ISO 2859-4:2020 provides procedures for the assessment of declared quality levels of products and processes. This standard is intended to be used in conjunction with the sampling plans and procedures provided in ISO 2859-1, ISO 2859-2, and ISO 2859-3.

ISO 2859-4:2020 Part 4 outlines the following procedures:

Selection of samples: The standard provides guidelines for selecting samples based on the declared quality level of the product or process being assessed.

Inspection and measurement: The standard provides guidelines for inspecting and measuring the samples. Including the use of appropriate measurement equipment and techniques.

Evaluation of results: This standard provides guidelines for evaluating the results of the inspection and measurement process. Including the use of statistical techniques to determine whether the declared quality level is being met.

Reporting: The standard provides guidelines for reporting the results of the assessment process. Including documentation of the sampling plan, inspection and measurement procedures. Also, evaluation of results.

ISO 2859-4:2020 is intended to be used by producers, customers, and other stakeholders in assessing the quality of products and processes. By following the procedures outlined in this standard, organizations can ensure that their declared quality levels are being met and that their products and processes are meeting the required standards for quality control and assurance.

ISO 2859-5:2005-System of sequential sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection

ISO 2859-5:2005 provides a system of sequential sampling plans indexed by the acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection. It is designed to be used in conjunction with ISO 2859-1, which provides fixed-sample-size plans, and ISO 2859-2. Which provides plans indexed by limiting quality (LQ) for isolated lot inspection.

The purpose of ISO 2859-5 is to provide a more efficient sampling method than the fixed-sample-size plans provided in ISO 2859-1. The sequential sampling plans in ISO 2859-5 use a smaller initial sample size and, if the quality of the lot is not immediately rejected, continue to draw additional samples. Until a decision can be made about the quality of the entire lot.

The sequential sampling plans provided in ISO 2859-5:2005 are indexed by AQL, which is the maximum percent of nonconforming items in a lot that the producer or customer is willing to accept. The standard provides tables of sample sizes and acceptance numbers for different AQLs. Which can be used to determine the appropriate sampling plan for a particular lot.

ISO 2859-5 is intended to be used by producers, customers, and other stakeholders in quality control and assurance programs. By using the sequential sampling plans provided in this standard, organizations can more efficiently and effectively determine the quality of their products and make decisions about whether to accept or reject a particular lot.

If you need more support with ISO 2869, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com 

Read About: EN ISO 2815:2003

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