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ISO 2060:1994 Textiles

What is ISO 2060:1994 Textiles – Yarn from Packages – Determination of Linear Density (Mass per unit length) by the Skein Method

ISO 2060:1994 standard specifies a method for determining the linear density (mass per unit length) of yarn from packages using the skein method. The skein method involves winding a fixed length of yarn from a package onto a reel or swift, and then weighing the skein to determine its mass. The linear density can then be calculated based on the length of yarn in the skein and it’s mass.

The standard provides guidance on the equipment and materials required for the test, the preparation of the sample. Also, the procedure for winding and weighing the skein. It also includes calculations for determining the linear density of the yarn.

Thus, ISO 2060 is applicable to all types of yarn. Including natural and synthetic fibers, and can be used for quality control, product development. And research purposes in the textile industry.

Requirements of ISO 2060:1994

ISO 2060 specifies a method for determining the linear density of yarn from packages by winding the yarn onto a reel to form a skein, weighing it, and measuring its length.

 The requirements include:

  • The equipment and materials needed for testing, including the skein reel, balance, and measuring tape.
  • The preparation of the yarn sample. Including the length of the skein and the number of strands
  • The procedure for winding the yarn onto the skein reel and removing it.
  • The calculation of the linear density of the yarn sample, expressed in tex or denier. 

In fact, It also includes guidelines for the conditioning of the yarn sample and the reporting of the test results.

Overall, this standard aims to provide a consistent and reliable method for determining the linear density of yarn samples, which is an important factor in the quality control of textile production.

Benefits of this Standard Certificate

ISO 2060 specifies a method for determining the linear density (mass per unit length) of yarn from packages by the skein method. The benefits of this standard include:

Accurate measurements: The skein method is a widely accepted method for determining the linear density of yarn. And following ISO 2060 ensures accurate and reliable measurements.

Consistency: Using the same method for determining linear density across different types of yarn ensures consistency in the measurements.

International recognition: ISO standards are internationally recognized. So, following ISO 2060 ensures that the measurements can be compared and understood by textile professionals worldwide.

Quality control: Determining the linear density of yarn is an important quality control measure for textile manufacturers. Also, ISO 2060 provides a standard method for this determination.

Who needs ISO 2060:1994?

ISO 2060 is intended for use by manufacturers and users of textile yarns to determine the linear density (mass per unit length) of yarn from packages by the skein method. This standard may also be of interest to testing laboratories and research institutes.

 If you need more support with ISO 2060, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com 

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