Looking for ISO 2039-Plastics — Determination of hardness?

ISO 2039-Plastics — Determination of hardness

What is ISO 2039-Plastics — Determination of hardness ?

ISO 2039 is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that provides a method for determining the hardness of plastics. The standard specifies a test method for measuring the indentation hardness of plastic materials using a Durometer.

The Durometer is an instrument that measures the depth of indentation made by a standardized indenter into the surface of the plastic material. The test is performed by applying a specified force to the indenter and measuring the resulting depth of indentation. The hardness of the plastic material is then calculated based on the depth of indentation. 

It is important for manufacturers and users of plastic materials, as it provides a standardized method for measuring hardness that can be used to compare the properties of different materials. Also, to ensure that materials meet the required specifications for a given application. Thus, The standard is applicable to a wide range of plastic materials, including thermoplastics, thermosetting plastics, and elastomers.

How many parts ISO 2039 have?

ISO 2039 is a multipart standard that consists of several parts, each of which covers a specific aspect of the determination of hardness of plastics. As of the knowledge cut-off date of September 2021, there are three parts to ISO 2039: 

ISO 2039-1:2018, Plastics – Determination of hardness – Part 1: Introduction and test method for durometer hardness

This part provides an introduction to the determination of hardness of plastics, and specifies the test method for measuring indentation hardness using a durometer.

ISO 2039-2:2018, Plastics – Determination of hardness – Part 2: Rockwell hardness

This part specifies a test method for measuring the Rockwell hardness of plastics using Rockwell hardness testing machines.

ISO 2039-3:2018, Plastics – Determination of hardness – Part 3: Shore hardness

This part specifies a test method for measuring the Shore hardness of plastics using Shore hardness testing machines. 

In fact, Each part of this standard provides detailed information on the relevant test method. Including apparatus, specimen preparation, testing procedure, and calculations. By following the methods described in the standard, manufacturers and users of plastic materials can obtain reliable and accurate measurements of hardness. Which can be used for quality control, product development, and other purposes.

What are the requirements of ISO 2039-1, ISO 2039-2 and ISO 2039-3?

 Here are the general requirements of each part of ISO 2039:

ISO 2039-1:2018, Plastics – Determination of hardness – Part 1: Introduction and test method for durometer hardness:

  •  Specifies the requirements for the test apparatus, including the Durometer used for measuring the indentation hardness of plastics.
  •  Specifies the preparation of test specimens, including the size and shape of the specimens, and the conditioning requirements prior to testing.
  •  Also, Specifies the procedure for conducting the test. Including the application of the specified force to the Durometer and the measurement of the depth of indentation.

In addition, The standard provides guidance on calculating the hardness of the plastic material based on the depth of indentation.

ISO 2039-2:2018, Plastics – Determination of hardness – Part 2: Rockwell hardness:

  • Specifies the requirements for the test apparatus. Including the Rockwell hardness testing machine used for measuring the Rockwell hardness of plastics. 
  • Specifies the preparation of test specimens. Including the size and shape of the specimens, and the conditioning requirements prior to testing. 
  • Also, Specifies the procedure for conducting the test. Including the application of the specified force to the indenter and the measurement of the depth of indentation.

Moreover, The standard provides guidance on calculating the Rockwell hardness of the plastic material based on the depth of indentation.

ISO 2039-3:2018, Plastics – Determination of hardness – Part 3: Shore hardness:

  • Specifies the requirements for the test apparatus, including the Shore hardness testing machine used for measuring the Shore hardness of plastics.
  •  Specifies the preparation of test specimens, including the size and shape of the specimens, and the conditioning requirements prior to testing.
  •  Also, Specifies the procedure for conducting the test. Including the application of the specified force to the indenter and the measurement of the depth of indentation. 

Therefore, The standard provides guidance on calculating the Shore hardness of the plastic material based on the depth of indentation.

Benefits of This Standard- All Parts

The benefits of ISO 2039, which includes all parts of the standard, are:

Standardization: ISO 2039 provides a standardized method for determining the hardness of plastics. Which allows for consistent and accurate measurements across different laboratories and applications.

Quality control: The standard can be used by manufacturers of plastic materials to ensure that their products meet the required specifications for hardness. By following the methods described in this standard, manufacturers can obtain reliable and accurate measurements of hardness. Which can be used for quality control purposes. 

Product development: The standard can be used by researchers and engineers to evaluate the properties of different plastic materials and to develop new materials with specific hardness characteristics. 

International recognition: This Standard is recognized internationally and is used by organisations and companies around the world. Thus, This means that measurements of hardness obtained using ISO 2039 methods are widely accepted and can be used for international trade and commerce.

Finally, Cost savings: By using a standardised test method for determining the hardness of plastics, companies can avoid the cost of developing their own test methods or using different test methods in different locations. 

Hence, ISO 2039 provides a standardised and internationally recognized method for determining the hardness of plastics, which can be used for quality control, product development, and cost savings in the plastics industry. 

Pacific Certifications is accredited by ABIS, if you need more support with ISO 2039, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com 

Read About : ISO 2036:1976

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