What is EN ISO 374-1:2017 – Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms – Part 1: Terminology and performance requirements for chemical risks?
EN ISO 374-1:2017 specifies the terminology and performance requirements for protective gloves designed to protect against dangerous chemicals and microorganisms. Specifically, this standard addresses the protection of the wearer against permeation by chemicals and microorganisms. And provides a consistent framework for the testing and classification of gloves based on their performance against these hazards.
The standard includes requirements for the labelling and marking of gloves, as well as guidelines for the selection and use of gloves based on the specific hazards encountered in the workplace. The standard also includes specific requirements for testing the resistance of gloves to permeation by a range of chemicals. Including common industrial chemicals such as solvents, acids, and alkalis.
EN ISO 374-1 is part of a series of standards that address protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and microorganisms, with subsequent parts addressing specific test methods and additional performance requirements.
Therefore, This standard helps to ensure that protective gloves designed for use against chemical hazards are tested and classified in a consistent and reliable manner. And that users can select and use gloves that provide the necessary level of protection against the specific chemicals encountered in their workplace.
Requirements of EN ISO 374-1:2017
EN ISO 374-1:2017 specifies the terminology and performance requirements for protective gloves designed to protect against dangerous chemicals and microorganisms. The standard defines the terms and concepts used in the testing and classification of gloves, and outlines the performance requirements that gloves must meet to be considered effective protective equipment against chemical hazards.
The standard requires that gloves intended for use against chemical hazards be tested for their resistance to permeation, which is the process by which chemicals can penetrate the material of the glove and contact the skin of the wearer. Therefore, The standard specifies test methods for determining the resistance of gloves to permeation by a range of chemicals. Including common industrial chemicals such as solvents, acids, and alkalis.
In addition to permeation resistance, EN ISO 374-1 also specifies requirements for gloves to be tested for their resistance to degradation, which can occur when gloves come into contact with certain chemicals or other substances. The standard also specifies requirements for gloves to be tested for their resistance to penetration, which is the process by which chemicals can penetrate through holes or defects in the material of the glove.
So, EN ISO 374-1:2017 helps to ensure that protective gloves designed for use against chemical hazards are tested and classified in a consistent and reliable manner. And that users can select and use gloves that provide the necessary level of protection against the specific chemicals encountered in their workplace.
Benefits of EN ISO 374-1:2017
EN ISO 374-1:2017 provides a consistent and reliable framework for the testing and classification of protective gloves designed to protect against dangerous chemicals and microorganisms. This standard helps to ensure that users can select and use gloves that provide the necessary level of protection against the specific chemicals encountered in their workplace. Some of the benefits are:
Improved safety: By ensuring that protective gloves are tested and classified in a consistent and reliable manner, EN ISO 374-1 helps to improve the safety of workers who are exposed to chemical hazards.
Better selection of gloves: The standard provides a consistent framework for the testing and classification of gloves. Which makes it easier for users to select gloves that provide the appropriate level of protection against the specific chemicals they may encounter in their workplace.
Increased confidence in glove performance: The standard sets out specific performance requirements for gloves, which helps to increase confidence in the ability of gloves to provide protection against chemical hazards.
Standardized terminology: The standard defines the terms and concepts used in the testing and classification of gloves. Which helps to ensure a common understanding of the performance requirements for protective gloves against chemical hazards.
EN ISO 374-1:2017 help to ensure that workers who are exposed to chemical hazards have access to protective gloves that are effective, reliable. Also, provide the necessary level of protection against the specific chemicals encountered in their workplace.
Who needs EN ISO 374-1:2017 – Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms – Part 1: Terminology and performance requirements for chemical risks?
EN ISO 374-1:2017 is intended for manufacturers, suppliers, and users of protective gloves that are designed to protect against dangerous chemicals and microorganisms. This standard is particularly relevant for workers who are exposed to chemical hazards in their workplace. Such as laboratory technicians, chemical plant workers, and healthcare professionals.
Employers have a legal obligation to provide personal protective equipment (PPE). Including gloves, to their employees when they are working in hazardous environments. By adhering to the requirements of the standard, employers can ensure that the gloves they provide to their employees offer the appropriate level of protection against the specific chemicals encountered in the workplace.
Also, manufacturers and suppliers of protective gloves can use EN ISO 374-1 as a reference for designing and producing gloves that meet the performance requirements for protection against chemical hazards. By following the requirements of the standard, manufacturers and suppliers can ensure that their gloves are reliable, and effective. Also, provide the necessary level of protection for the specific chemicals they are designed to protect against.
Pacific Certifications is accredited by ABIS, if you need more support with EN 374-1, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com
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