Looking for EN 13432 Certified Bioplastics?

EN 13432 Certified Bioplastics

EN 13432 Certified Bioplastics


EN 13432 Certified Bioplastics is a European standard that specifies the requirements for packaging recoverable through composting and biodegradation. It is often used as a certification for bioplastics to ensure their compatibility with industrial composting processes. When a bioplastic product is EN 13432 certified, it means that it has been tested and meets specific performance criteria when subjected to industrial composting conditions.

Here are the key performance criteria that EN 13432 certified bioplastics must meet in industrial composting:
  1. Biodegradation: The bioplastic material should undergo significant biodegradation, meaning that microorganisms present in the composting environment can break down the material into natural compounds like water, carbon dioxide, and biomass.
  2. Disintegration: The bioplastic should disintegrate into small pieces within a specified timeframe. This ensures that the material breaks down into smaller fragments during composting.
  3. Harmful Effects: The bioplastic should not leave any harmful residues or negative environmental impacts after composting. This includes avoiding the presence of heavy metals or other contaminants.
  4. Timeframe: EN 13432 sets specific timeframes for these processes to occur. For example, it might require that a certain percentage of the material biodegrades and disintegrates within a certain number of weeks or months under controlled composting conditions.
  5. Composting Conditions: The testing is conducted under standardized composting conditions that simulate industrial composting facilities, including temperature, humidity, and microbial activity.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that EN 13432 certification is primarily focused on the end-of-life performance of bioplastics in industrial composting facilities. It does not necessarily address other aspects of the environmental impact of bioplastics, such as their production or potential littering issues if not disposed of properly.

Overall, EN 13432 certification provides consumers and businesses with a level of confidence that a bioplastic product will break down and return to nature when subjected to industrial composting processes. This certification is particularly relevant for products like food packaging, disposable tableware, and compostable bags that are intended for disposal in composting facilities.

What are the requirements for EN 13432 Certified Bioplastics?

EN 13432 Certified Bioplastics outlines specific requirements for biodegradable and compostable plastics to be certified as suitable for industrial composting. To achieve EN 13432 certification, bioplastics must meet several key performance criteria when subjected to industrial composting conditions. Here are the main requirements:

  • Biodegradability: The bioplastic material must undergo a high degree of biodegradation. Specifically, it should achieve at least 90% biodegradation within 180 days under controlled composting conditions. Biodegradation refers to the breakdown of the material into natural components such as water, carbon dioxide, and biomass through the action of microorganisms.
  • Disintegration: The bioplastic should disintegrate into small fragments within a specified timeframe. It must break down into pieces that are less than 2mm in size or less than 10% of the original mass within 12 weeks of composting.
  • Ecotoxicity: The material should not exhibit any ecotoxic effects during composting. This means it should not release harmful substances or residues that could harm the composting process, the resulting compost, or the environment.
  • Chemical Composition: The bioplastic should not contain harmful heavy metals or other contaminants that could hinder composting or pose risks to the environment.
  • Composting Conditions: The testing for EN 13432 certification is conducted under standardized composting conditions that simulate industrial composting facilities. This includes specific temperature, humidity, and microbial activity requirements to ensure that the bioplastic breaks down effectively.
  • Physical Integrity: The bioplastic should maintain its physical integrity during its intended use but begin to break down when subjected to composting conditions. This ensures that the material can perform its intended function as packaging or another product before entering the composting process.
  • Marking and Labeling: Certified bioplastic products must be appropriately marked and labeled to indicate their compliance with EN 13432 standards. This labeling helps consumers and waste management facilities identify compostable materials.

Overall, EN 13432 certification focuses on the end-of-life performance of bioplastics in industrial composting facilities. It does not cover other aspects of the environmental impact of bioplastics, such as their production, transportation, or disposal in non-composting environments.

Also, manufacturers of bioplastic products seeking EN 13432 certification typically work with accredited testing laboratories to verify that their materials meet these requirements. Once certified, products can carry the appropriate labeling to inform consumers and ensure proper disposal in industrial composting facilities.

What are the benefits of EN 13432?

EN 13432 certified bioplastics offer several benefits, primarily related to their environmentally friendly properties and suitability for industrial composting.

Here are some of the key benefits:
  • Biodegradability: EN 13432 certified bioplastics are designed to biodegrade rapidly under industrial composting conditions. This means they break down into natural substances, such as water, carbon dioxide, and biomass, which do not harm the environment.
  • Reduced Waste: These bioplastics contribute to the reduction of waste in landfills and incineration facilities. Instead of accumulating as long-lasting plastic waste, they are transformed into valuable compost, which can be used to enrich soil and support agricultural and horticultural activities.
  • Support for Circular Economy: By promoting the use of certified compostable bioplastics, EN 13432 contributes to the principles of a circular economy. These materials can be used for their intended purpose and then reintegrated into the natural environment as compost, closing the loop and reducing the need for virgin resources.
  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: The production of bioplastics can often have a lower carbon footprint compared to traditional petroleum-based plastics, especially if they are sourced from renewable resources like corn or sugarcane. Additionally, the carbon emissions associated with incineration or landfilling are minimized when using compostable bioplastics.
  • Reduced Litter: Certified bioplastics are less likely to contribute to litter and marine pollution because they break down more quickly when exposed to environmental conditions, reducing the risk of long-lasting plastic debris.
  • Composting Benefits: The compost produced from certified bioplastics can enhance soil quality, water retention, and nutrient content, making it a valuable resource for agriculture and landscaping.
  • Consumer Confidence: EN 13432 certification provides consumers with confidence that products labeled as compostable bioplastics will break down effectively in industrial composting facilities, reducing the chances of contamination or improper disposal.
  • Market Opportunities: For businesses, having EN 13432 certified bioplastics can open up market opportunities, especially in regions or industries where compostable packaging is encouraged or required.
  • Regulatory Compliance: In some areas, regulations or ordinances mandate the use of compostable materials for specific applications, such as food packaging. EN 13432 certification helps businesses meet these regulatory requirements.
  • Promotion of Sustainable Practices: The use of certified compostable bioplastics encourages sustainable practices and responsible waste management, aligning with global efforts to reduce plastic pollution and mitigate environmental impacts.

It’s important to note that while EN 13432 certification ensures the suitability of bioplastics for industrial composting, proper waste collection and processing infrastructure are essential to realizing these benefits. If compostable materials are not properly sorted and processed, they may not biodegrade as intended, highlighting the need for comprehensive waste management systems to support the use of these materials.

Who needs EN 13432 Certified Bioplastics?

EN 13432 certified bioplastics performance in industrial composting is primarily relevant for the following groups and sectors:

  • Manufacturers and Producers: Companies that manufacture bioplastic products, such as packaging materials (e.g., bags, films, food containers), disposable tableware (e.g., cutlery, plates, cups), and other items designed for single-use or short-term use, may seek EN 13432 certification. This certification can demonstrate the compostability and eco-friendliness of their products, potentially increasing market acceptance.
  • Retailers and Brand Owners: Retailers and brand owners who market and sell products in biodegradable and compostable packaging may prefer to use EN 13432 certified bioplastics to ensure their products align with eco-conscious consumer preferences and environmental regulations.
  • Food Service and Catering Businesses: Restaurants, cafeterias, and catering businesses that use disposable food packaging and utensils can benefit from EN 13432 certified bioplastics for their single-use items, as they are often used in settings where compostable materials are preferred.
  • Agriculture and Horticulture: In agriculture and horticulture, EN 13432 certified biodegradable mulch films and plant pots can be advantageous. These products can break down in the field, eliminating the need for removal and disposal after use.
  • Waste Management and Composting Facilities: Industrial composting facilities are essential for processing EN 13432 certified bioplastics. These facilities need to have the capacity and capability to manage compostable materials properly.
  • Government and Regulatory Bodies: Some governments and regulatory bodies may encourage or mandate the use of certified compostable materials in specific applications or regions to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainable practices.
  • Environmental Organizations: Environmental organizations and NGOs advocating for sustainable packaging and waste reduction may support and promote the use of EN 13432 certified bioplastics as part of their initiatives.
  • Consumers: Consumers who are environmentally conscious and seek eco-friendly alternatives for single-use products can look for EN 13432 certification labels when making purchasing decisions. This helps them identify products that are designed to be composted in industrial composting facilities.

It’s important to note that the relevance of EN 13432 certified bioplastics can vary by region, as different areas may have distinct regulations, recycling infrastructure, and consumer preferences. Additionally, the adoption of certified compostable materials depends on factors like cost, availability, and the specific industry or sector’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility

At last, Pacific Certifications is accredited by ABIS, you need more support with EN 13432 Certified Bioplastics, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com

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