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EN 450-1:2012

What is EN 450-1:2012- Fly ash for concrete – Part 1: Definition, specifications and conformity criteria? EN 450-1:2012 provides definition, specifications, and conformity criteria for fly ash used in concrete. Fly ash is a byproduct of coal combustion that can be used as a supplementary cementitious material in concrete production. The standard specifies the properties […]

EN 438-7:2005

What is EN 438-7:2005- High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) – Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called Laminates) – Part 7: Compact laminate and HPL composite panels for internal and external wall and ceiling finishes? EN 438-7:2005 specifies requirements for high-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) in the form of compact laminates and composite panels. These materials are […]

EN ISO 21420:2020

What is EN ISO 21420:2020 – Protective gloves – General requirements and test methods? EN ISO 21420:2020 specifies the general requirements and test methods for protective gloves. It covers gloves designed to protect the wearer from mechanical risks. Such as abrasion, cut, tear, and puncture hazards, as well as gloves designed to protect against other […]

EN 417:2012

What is EN 417:2012- Non-refillable metallic gas cartridges for liquefied petroleum gases, with or without a valve, for use with portable appliances – Construction, inspection, testing and marking? EN 417:2012 sets out requirements for non-refillable metallic gas cartridges for liquefied petroleum gases (LPGs). These cartridges are designed for use with portable appliances such as camping […]

EN 403-Respiratory protective devices

What is EN 403-Respiratory protective devices for self-rescue. Filtering devices with hood for escape from fire-Requirements, testing, marking? EN 403 specifies the requirements, testing methods, and marking for respiratory protective devices with hood for self-rescue during escape from a fire. These devices are designed to provide respiratory protection to individuals who need to escape from […]

EN 397:2012+A1:2012

What is EN 397:2012+A1:2012 – Industrial Safety Helmets? EN 397:2012+A1:2012 specifies the requirements and testing methods for industrial safety helmets. The standard sets out the minimum requirements for impact resistance, penetration resistance, and shock absorption for safety helmets used in a variety of industrial settings. The standard includes requirements for the design and construction of […]

SIST EN 14080:2013

What is SIST EN 14080:2013 – Timber structures – Glued laminated timber and glued solid timber? SIST EN 14080:2013 specifies the requirements for glued laminated timber and glued solid timber used in load-bearing structures and non-load-bearing structures. Such as beams, columns, trusses, and purlins. The standard provides requirements for the production of glued laminated timber […]

EN ISO 11393-3:2018

What is EN ISO 11393-3:2018- Protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws – Part 3: Test methods for footwear? EN ISO 11393-3:2018 specifies the test methods for protective footwear designed for users of hand-held chainsaws. The standard is part of a series of standards related to protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws, which also […]

EN ISO 374-1:2017

What is EN ISO 374-1:2017 – Protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms – Part 1: Terminology and performance requirements for chemical risks? EN ISO 374-1:2017 specifies the terminology and performance requirements for protective gloves designed to protect against dangerous chemicals and microorganisms. Specifically, this standard addresses the protection of the wearer against permeation by […]

EN 363:2018

What is EN 363:2018-Personal fall protection equipment – Personal fall protection systems? EN 363:2018 specifies requirements and test methods for personal fall protection systems used to prevent falls from height. The standard provides guidance on the design, testing, and use of personal fall protection systems. Including full body harnesses, connectors, energy absorbers, lanyards, and anchor […]

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