Looking for ISO 13855:2010 Safety of machinery?

ISO 13855:2010 Safety of machinery

ISO 13855:2010 Safety of machinery

What is ISO 13855:2010 Safety of machinery — Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body?

ISO 13855:2010 Safety of machinery pertains to the placement and positioning of protective devices or safeguards in relation to machinery. This standard aims to minimize the risks associated with the operation of various types of machinery by specifying the appropriate distances and positions for safeguards, taking into consideration the speed at which a human body part could approach a hazard.

Also, the core of this standard lies in its focus on determining the optimum positioning for these safeguards based on human approach speeds. Essentially, it aims to calculate the distance at which a safeguard must be positioned so that it can effectively prevent or mitigate harm, taking into account the time required for the safeguard to become effective once triggered.

Furthermore, in terms of its applicability, the standard is relevant to designers, engineers, and safety professionals involved in the development, installation, or retrofitting of machinery. The safeguards could be anything from fixed or movable guards to light curtains or other sensing devices that can detect an intrusion into the hazardous zone.

Overall, ISO 13855:2010 provides a methodical approach to safeguard placement, including mathematical formulas to calculate the appropriate distance of the safeguard from the hazard zone based on the approach speed of parts of the human body like the hand or arm. Various parameters such as the stopping time of the machine, the reaction time of the safeguarding system, and additional factors for real-world variability are considered in these calculations.

It’s crucial to note that this standard is often utilized in conjunction with other machinery safety standards, including but not limited to ISO 12100 on risk assessment and risk reduction, and specific type-C standards for particular types of machinery. The objective is to ensure a holistic approach to machine safety that takes into account various types of risks and mitigation measures.

In summary, ISO 13855:2010 plays an essential role in defining how safeguards should be positioned with respect to machinery to ensure the highest level of safety possible, while taking into consideration the approach speeds of different parts of the human body.

What are the requirements for ISO 13855:2010?

ISO 13855:2010 Safety of machinery pertains to the placement and positioning of protective devices or safeguards in relation to machinery. This standard aims outlines a comprehensive set of requirements for the positioning of safeguards to protect against hazards associated with machinery. These requirements are geared towards ensuring that protective devices or safeguards are positioned at an appropriate distance to effectively minimize the risks. Below is an overview of the key requirements:

Identification of Hazard Zones

The standard mandates the identification of hazard zones that require safeguarding. These zones are areas where an operator or maintenance worker may be exposed to risks such as moving parts, electrical hazards, or other types of dangerous conditions.

Approach Speed Consideration

One of the key requirements is taking into account the approach speeds of various parts of the human body. ISO 13855:2010 includes information on approach speeds for different body parts such as hands and arms, which are crucial for determining the placement of safeguards.

Calculation Methodology

The standard provides a detailed mathematical formula to calculate the minimum safety distance for a safeguard. This formula takes into account:

  • The stopping time of the machine
  • The reaction time of the safeguarding system
  • The approach speed of the human body part toward the hazard
  • Additional safety margins and allowances for system failure or environmental conditions

Type of Safeguard

The requirements differ based on the type of safeguard being implemented. For example, fixed barriers, interlocked movable guards, light curtains, and pressure-sensitive mats each have their own specific requirements for placement and function.

Compatibility with Other Standards

ISO 13855:2010 is intended to be used in conjunction with other safety standards. For instance, it should align with ISO 12100, which deals with risk assessment and risk reduction. If the machinery in question has a specific type-C standard (pertaining to the safety of that particular type of machinery), ISO 13855:2010 should also be consistent with those requirements.


Proper documentation is required to demonstrate compliance with the standard. This can include risk assessments, calculations for safety distance, types and specifications of safeguards used, and evidence of periodic reviews and testing.

User Training

Appropriate training should be given to all personnel who operate or come into contact with the machinery. This training should include information on the safeguards in place, how they work, and what actions to take if a safeguard fails.

Periodic Review and Update

It is a requirement to regularly review and, if necessary, update the safeguarding measures. This is especially important if there have been changes to the machinery, its usage, or its operating environment.

In summary, ISO 13855:2010 is a comprehensive standard that provides a robust framework for the positioning of safeguards. It integrates mathematical calculations, human factors, and machine characteristics to offer a balanced and effective approach to machine safety.

What are the benefits of ISO 13855:2010 Safety of machinery?

The adoption and implementation of ISO 13855:2010 offer a multitude of benefits that significantly contribute to enhanced safety and operational effectiveness in environments where machinery is used. Below are some of the key advantages:

Enhanced Safety

Arguably the most significant benefit is the enhancement of worker safety. By determining the optimum distance and position for safeguards based on the approach speed of parts of the human body, the standard minimizes the risk of accidents and injuries.

Regulatory Compliance

Adhering to ISO 13855:2010 can help organizations meet legal and regulatory requirements for machine safety. This can mitigate legal risks and potential liabilities, thereby offering protection to the organization and its stakeholders.

Standardized Approach

ISO 13855:2010 provides a systematic and standardized methodology for calculating the placement of safeguards. This makes it easier for organizations to implement effective safety measures across different types of machinery and operational contexts, ensuring a uniform level of safety.

Better Risk Assessment

The standard offers a robust framework for performing risk assessments specific to the positioning of safeguards. This allows organizations to identify and address potential weak points in their safety measures more effectively.

User Confidence

The implementation of a well-recognized standard can significantly improve the confidence of operators and maintenance personnel. Knowing that safeguards are placed based on rigorous, internationally recognized guidelines helps in building a safety-conscious work culture.

Operational Efficiency

Properly placed safeguards not only improve safety but can also boost operational efficiency. For instance, if safeguards are placed too far from the hazard zone, it might require additional time and effort for operators to perform tasks. The standard ensures that the distance is neither too great nor too small, balancing safety and operational needs.

Integration with Other Standards

ISO 13855:2010 is designed to work in conjunction with other ISO safety standards, such as ISO 12100, which focuses on risk assessment and risk reduction. This enables a comprehensive approach to machinery safety, which is more effective than piecemeal measures.

Cost Savings

Effective safety measures reduce the likelihood of accidents, which in turn can lead to lower insurance premiums and less downtime due to accidents or subsequent investigations. This is not only a social benefit but also has a direct positive impact on the financial bottom line.

Global Recognition

Being an ISO standard, ISO 13855:2010 is internationally recognized. This makes it easier for organizations to standardize their safety measures across multiple locations, even if they are spread across different countries with different local regulations.

Continuous Improvement

The standard is amenable to regular reviews and updates, enabling organizations to keep pace with advancements in technology and changes in operational methods.

In summary, ISO 13855:2010 offers a well-rounded approach to safeguarding machinery, taking into account various factors such as human behavior, machine operations, and environmental conditions. The benefits of implementing this standard are multifaceted, ranging from enhanced safety and regulatory compliance to improved operational efficiency and cost savings.

Who needs ISO 13855:2010?

The ISO 13855:2010 standard is pertinent to a broad range of stakeholders involved in the design, manufacture, installation, maintenance, and operation of machinery. Here’s a breakdown of who might find this standard essential:


For those involved in the design and manufacture of machinery, adhering to ISO 13855:2010 can serve as a robust guideline for incorporating safety features right from the conceptual stage. It enables manufacturers to design products that not only meet regulatory requirements but also offer enhanced safety features that could be a selling point in competitive markets.

Design Engineers

Engineers responsible for designing machinery would find the standard invaluable for specifying the types and placement of safeguards. By incorporating the requirements of ISO 13855:2010, they can ensure that the machinery is designed with optimal safety measures.

Safety Professionals

Occupational health and safety professionals can use this standard as a framework to assess existing machinery and operations. It provides them with the tools to conduct detailed risk assessments and recommend adjustments to improve the safety of machinery in the workplace.

Plant Managers and Operators

Those responsible for the day-to-day operation and management of facilities where machinery is used will find the standard useful for ensuring that safeguards are appropriately positioned. This can help in reducing the risk of accidents, thereby contributing to more efficient operations and potentially reducing downtime.

Regulatory Authorities

For bodies responsible for setting workplace safety standards, ISO 13855:2010 can serve as a reference for developing local regulations or guidelines. It provides a universally accepted standard against which compliance can be measured.

Maintenance Personnel

Individuals who are responsible for the regular maintenance and servicing of machinery also need to be aware of the standard’s requirements. This ensures that any adjustments or repairs do not compromise the effectiveness of safeguards.

Third-Party Auditors and Certifiers

Organizations such as Pacific Certifications that certify adherence to various ISO standards would find ISO 13855:2010 essential for assessing the safety measures related to machinery in an organization. It provides a comprehensive checklist of requirements against which to measure compliance.


Companies that use machinery in their operations would also benefit from being aware of ISO 13855:2010. Implementing its recommendations could contribute to the establishment of a safer working environment, reduced accident rates, and potentially lower insurance premiums.

Educational Institutions

Vocational training centers and educational institutions offering courses in engineering, manufacturing, and occupational safety can also incorporate ISO 13855:2010 into their curriculum to provide a comprehensive understanding of machinery safety.

In summary, ISO 13855:2010 is a valuable resource for a wide array of professionals and organizations involved in the lifecycle of machinery. Its implementation aids in the creation of a safer work environment, enhances operational efficiency, and helps in meeting regulatory requirements, thus making it indispensable for a variety of stakeholders.

At last, Pacific Certifications is accredited by ABIS, you need more support with ISO 13855:2010 Safety of machinery, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com

Also read: ISO Certifications for Machinery Maintenance & Heavy Equipment Repair Services in the US

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