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EN 286-1:1998

What is EN 286-1:1998-Simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air or nitrogen – Part 1: Pressure vessels for general purposes EN 286-1:1998 provides requirements and guidelines for the design, construction, testing, and marking of simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air or nitrogen. These pressure vessels are intended for general purposes and are […]

EN 280-1:2022

What is EN 280-1:2022-Mobile elevating work platforms – Part 1: Design calculations – Stability criteria – Construction – Safety – Examinations and tests ? EN 280-1:2022 specifies requirements for the design, construction, safety, and testing of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs). MEWPs are devices used to provide temporary access for work at height. Such as […]

EN 250:2014

What is EN 250:2014- Respiratory equipment – Open-circuit self-contained compressed air diving apparatus – Requirements, testing, marking? EN 250:2014 specifies the requirements, testing, and marking for open-circuit self-contained compressed air diving apparatus. This type of diving equipment is commonly used for recreational diving and commercial diving operations where the diver is not breathing gas from […]

EN 228:2012+A1:2017

What is EN 228:2012+A1:2017-Automotive fuels – Unleaded petrol – Requirements and test methods? EN 228:2012+A1:2017 is a European standard that specifies the requirements and test methods for unleaded petrol, which is used as fuel for spark ignition engines in vehicles. The standard includes specifications for several key characteristics of unleaded petrol, including: Octane number Density […]

EN 208:2010- Personal eye-protection

What is EN 208:2010- Personal eye-protection – Eye-protectors for adjustment work on lasers and laser systems? EN 208:2010- Personal eye-protection is a European standard,  specifies the requirements and test methods for eye protectors used during laser adjustment work. The standard applies to all types of lasers and laser systems, including medical, industrial, and scientific lasers. […]

BS EN 197-1:2011

What is BS EN 197-1:2011-Cement Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements? BS EN 197-1:2011 is a British and European standard that sets out the requirements for the composition, specifications, and conformity criteria for common cements used in construction. The standard covers the following aspects of cement: BS EN 197-1:2011 helps to ensure that […]

EN 196-1:2016

What is EN 196-1:2016 – Methods of testing cement? EN 196-1:2016 specifies the methods for testing cement. It provides standardized procedures for determining the physical and mechanical properties of cement. Such as its strength, setting time, and soundness. The standard covers a range of tests that are commonly used in the cement industry. Including: · […]

DIN EN 166- Personal eye protection

What is DIN EN 166- Personal eye protection – Specifications? DIN EN 166- Personal eye protection sets out the specifications for personal eye protection equipment. The standard specifies the requirements for the design, performance, and testing of eyewear designed to protect the eyes from a range of hazards. The standard covers a range of factors […]

EN 81: Safety of Lifts

What is EN 81: Safety of Lifts? EN 81 is a series of European safety standards that specify safety rules and requirements for the design, construction, and installation of lifts, escalators, and moving walks. The standards aim to ensure that these vertical transportation systems are safe, reliable, and accessible to all users. Including people with […]

EN 20-1:1992

What is EN 20-1:1992-Wood preservatives – Determination of the protective effectiveness against Lyctus Brunneus (Stephens) – Part 1: Application by surface treatment (laboratory method) EN 20-1:1992 is a European Standard that specifies a laboratory method for determining the protective effectiveness of wood preservatives against Lyctus brunneus, a species of beetle that can cause damage to […]

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