Looking for ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information?

ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information

ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information

What is ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information — Web map server interface?

ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information specifies an interface for retrieving and displaying maps on the internet. It defines how geographic information servers should provide maps in a way that can be easily accessed and displayed by clients over the web.

Key components of ISO 19128:2005 include:
  • Request-Response Mechanism: The standard outlines the protocol for making requests to a web map server and receiving map data in response. It specifies the types of requests that can be made, such as requests for map images at specific locations and scales.
  • Data Formats: It defines the data formats that should be used for transmitting map data, including popular formats like JPEG or PNG for images and XML for describing the map’s properties and content.
  • Map Navigation: The standard provides mechanisms for clients to navigate within a map, including panning and zooming. It also addresses how to retrieve maps for specific bounding boxes and spatial extents.
  • Layer Management: ISO 19128:2005 allows for the management of map layers. Layers are individual components of a map, and this standard specifies how clients can request specific layers and how servers should respond.
  • Coordinate Systems: It addresses coordinate reference systems and how to specify them when making requests, ensuring that maps are displayed accurately in the desired projection.
  • Styling and Symbolization: The standard covers how map features are styled and symbolized, allowing clients to customize the appearance of the map elements.
  • Error Handling: ISO 19128:2005 provides guidelines for handling errors and exceptions that may occur during map retrieval or display.

Overall, this standard is essential for ensuring interoperability between different web map servers and clients, as it defines a common set of rules and protocols for exchanging geospatial data on the web. It has been widely adopted in the field of geographic information systems (GIS) and web mapping, enabling the seamless exchange of map data across various platforms and applications.

What are the requirements for ISO 19128:2005?

ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information outlines the requirements and specifications for implementing a web map server interface that allows the retrieval and display of geographic maps over the internet. These requirements include:

  • Request-Response Mechanism: The standard defines a request-response mechanism for clients to request maps from a web map server. It specifies the format of requests, including parameters such as bounding box, image width and height, and spatial reference system.
  • Data Formats: ISO 19128:2005 requires support for specific data formats to transmit map data. Commonly supported formats include JPEG or PNG for images and XML for describing map properties and content.
  • Map Navigation: It mandates the ability to navigate within a map, including capabilities for panning and zooming. Clients should be able to request maps at different scales and extents.
  • Layer Management: The standard outlines how web map servers should manage map layers. It includes provisions for specifying which layers should be included in a map request and how they should be combined.
  • Coordinate Systems: ISO 19128 requires support for coordinate reference systems (CRS). Servers must be able to transform map data into the appropriate CRS as specified by the client.
  • Styling and Symbolization: The standard specifies how map features should be styled and symbolized. This includes rules for defining the appearance of features such as lines, points, and polygons.
  • Error Handling: It provides guidelines for handling errors and exceptions that may occur during the map retrieval or display process. Clients and servers should follow these error-handling procedures to ensure smooth interactions.
  • Metadata: ISO 19128:2005 recommends including metadata with map data to describe the content and context of the maps being served. Metadata can help users understand the data they are accessing.
  • Security Considerations: While not extensively detailed in this standard, security considerations are important when implementing web map server interfaces. Implementers are encouraged to consider security measures to protect both data and system integrity.
  • Compliance: To meet the standard’s requirements, web map server implementations should ensure compliance with the specified protocols and data formats. This ensures interoperability between different clients and servers.
  • Documentation: Implementations of the web map server interface should be accompanied by documentation that describes how to use the service, including details on supported requests and response formats.
  • Testing and Conformance: ISO 19128:2005 suggests the use of conformance testing to ensure that web map server implementations adhere to the standard’s requirements. Conformance testing helps verify interoperability between different systems.

It’s important to note that ISO standards are intended to provide a common framework and guidelines for implementation. The specific requirements and capabilities of a web map server may vary depending on the implementation and the technology stack being used. Implementers should refer to the standard for detailed information and consult additional resources and best practices in the field of web mapping to ensure successful compliance with ISO 19128:2005.

What are the benefits of ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information?

ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information offers several benefits for the geospatial and web mapping community:

  • Interoperability: One of the primary benefits of ISO 19128 is that it promotes interoperability between different web map servers and clients. By adhering to a common set of standards and protocols, organizations and developers can create and access web maps across various platforms and systems, reducing compatibility issues.
  • Standardization: ISO 19128 establishes a standardized framework for implementing web map server interfaces. This helps ensure consistency and predictability in how web maps are requested, retrieved, and displayed, making it easier for users to work with geospatial data.
  • Efficiency: The standard defines efficient mechanisms for requesting and serving map data. This can lead to faster map loading times and reduced data transfer overhead, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Scalability: ISO 19128 supports features like map navigation, allowing users to pan and zoom within maps. This scalability ensures that maps can be adapted to various screen sizes and resolutions, from desktop computers to mobile devices.
  • Customization: Web map server interfaces that comply with ISO 19128 enable users to customize the appearance of maps. This includes the ability to change map symbology, add or remove layers, and apply filters, providing a tailored experience for different users and use cases.
  • Spatial Reference Systems: The standard mandates support for coordinate reference systems (CRS). This ensures that maps can be accurately displayed in the desired geographic or projected coordinate system, improving spatial accuracy.
  • Metadata: ISO 19128 encourages the inclusion of metadata with map data. Metadata provides essential information about the data source, content, and quality, helping users make informed decisions about the maps they access.
  • Error Handling: The standard provides guidelines for handling errors and exceptions during map retrieval and display. This helps users and developers troubleshoot issues more effectively.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: ISO 19128-compliant web map servers and clients can be developed using various programming languages and technologies, making it easier to build and maintain web mapping applications across different platforms.
  • Global Adoption: ISO standards are internationally recognized and adopted, making them valuable for organizations and projects with a global reach. Compliance with ISO 19128 can facilitate collaboration and data sharing across borders.
  • Security Considerations: While not the primary focus, ISO 19128 encourages security considerations. Implementers can incorporate security measures to protect map data and ensure the integrity of web map services.
  • Conformance Testing: The standard suggests conformance testing, which allows organizations to verify that their web map server implementations adhere to the specified requirements, promoting quality and reliability.

Overall, ISO 19128:2005 plays a crucial role in advancing the accessibility and usability of geographic information on the web. It supports a wide range of applications, from public mapping services to specialized geospatial solutions used in various industries such as urban planning, environmental management, and emergency response.

Who needs ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information — Web map server interface?

ISO 19128:2005, which defines the “Geographic information — Web map server interface,” is relevant to a range of stakeholders and organizations involved in geographic information systems (GIS), mapping, and web-based spatial data services. Here are some of the key groups and individuals who may benefit from or need to consider this standard:

  • GIS Professionals: GIS practitioners, including cartographers, geospatial analysts, and GIS developers, can benefit from ISO 19128 by using it as a reference when implementing web map server interfaces or developing applications that consume web map services.
  • Government Agencies: Government agencies at various levels (local, regional, national) often provide access to geographic information through web map services. Compliance with ISO 19128 can help ensure that their map services are interoperable and follow recognized standards.
  • Private Sector Organizations: Private companies in industries such as real estate, transportation, logistics, and environmental consulting may use web map services to support their business operations. Adhering to ISO 19128 can improve data exchange and compatibility.
  • Web Developers: Web developers and software engineers who create web-based mapping applications can use ISO 19128 to understand the standard protocols and data formats for interacting with web map servers.
  • Educational Institutions: Educational institutions offering GIS and geospatial programs can incorporate ISO 19128 into their curriculum to teach students about web mapping standards and best practices.
  • Research Institutions: Research organizations involved in geospatial research, environmental studies, and urban planning can benefit from ISO 19128 by ensuring that their data and services are accessible and compatible with other research efforts.
  • Emergency Services: Emergency management agencies and first responders may rely on web map services for situational awareness during disasters. Complying with ISO 19128 can enhance data sharing and coordination during critical incidents.
  • Environmental Agencies: Organizations responsible for managing natural resources and environmental data can use ISO 19128 to make their geospatial information more accessible to the public and other stakeholders.
  • Public and Nonprofit Organizations: Nonprofit organizations, community groups, and NGOs that use or disseminate geographic information can ensure that their web-based mapping initiatives adhere to recognized standards.
  • International Projects: Projects and collaborations with a global scope, such as those involving international development, disaster response, or environmental conservation, can benefit from ISO 19128 to facilitate data sharing across borders.
  • Standards Bodies and Regulators: Organizations responsible for establishing and enforcing geospatial data standards, as well as regulatory bodies overseeing data sharing and dissemination, may reference ISO 19128 as a basis for compliance.
  • Data Providers: Entities that provide geospatial data, whether public or private, can use ISO 19128 to structure their data services in a standardized way, making it easier for users to access and integrate their data.
In summary, ISO 19128:2005 is relevant to a broad range of stakeholders involved in the creation, dissemination, and consumption of web-based geographic information and maps. Its adoption helps promote interoperability, data sharing, and best practices within the geospatial community, benefiting both organizations and individuals who rely on geographic information for decision-making and analysis.

At last, Pacific Certifications is accredited by ABIS, you need more support with ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information, please contact us at +91-8595603096 or support@pacificcert.com

Also read: ISO 19105:2022 Geographic information — Conformance and testing

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